After a Team warm up, whether you are a two platoon split practice or ironman split time team this needs to be your first drill. Noose allows your Qs to continue warming up while working on throws away from defenders. The Recievers will start behind a Trash can, dummy or player lined up in a Press man, they will get off the defender and jog to the next cone. Once at the next cone they will plant and show hands to the Q a coach behind the cone set up will move towards the reciever on one side or the other. After the Q throws away from the defender the reciever will move with the ball away from the coach (don't turn into contact) and tuck the ball high and tight and finish 5 yards away from the drill. Qs will work on their drops for the pass concepts of the day. During their drops they will call out their progressions. If it was Shallow, they would say Drag, Dig, Post then throw the ball. After this drill release your Centers to Indy with the rest of the Offensive Line.
Your next drill allows the Q to throw a little farther and work on the routes that will be seen that day. Pat and Go is set up with Qs on opposite hashes 30 yards apart facing each other and the WRs lined up near the numbers the opposite of the Qs. During this drill the coaches will call out a route and the WRs will work on running their routes for the day. The WRs need to move inside if running a bubble and farther outside if running an in breaking route. This will familiarize the players with the routes of the day during install and Qs will be able to work on timing.