These podcasts with Inside Lacrosse's Ty Xanders and 3d Lacrosse's Matt Rowley are pure gold!  Must Listen!


Recruiting Podcasts

To access the entire library of Phi-Lacrosse-ophy podcasts on apple itunes Click here to access Phi-Lacrosse-ophy Podcasts!

Re-Classing, Repeating, Red-shirting in Kindergarten

 This podcast is on the topic of Re-classing.  A deep dive into the who, what, when, where, and why of repeating grades, re-classing, PG years, Gap years, and why it can lead you right back to your original grade!

 COVID-19 Podcast With Ty Xanders

This podcast with Ty Xanders is a look at COVID-19's effect on the world of recruiting. This interesting podcast details what is happening with the NCAA's grant of an extra year of eligibility for the entire 2020 College Lacrosse world! 

 Ty Xanders Podcast on College Lacrosse Recruiting

Ty Xanders is a foremost expert on the world of boys lacrosse recruiting and he doesn't disappoint in this conversation! 

Ty Xanders Podcast

This podcast is focused on college lacrosse recruiting and a time line from September 1st through fall, spring and summer.  This is a must listen podcast!


Have You Thought About Boarding School?

This interview with Deerfield Lacrosse Coach and Admissions Director Chip Davis is an in depth look at the process of prep school consideration.

Who: the people that are choosing boarding schools

What: is prep school all about, what is it like?

Why: is prep school an advantage and what are the outcomes we can expect?

When: is the best time to go?

How: does it work, does my kid have to repeat?

Where: are most folks from who choose boarding schools?

Joe Spallina, Team 91, Head Coach Stony Brook 

Joe is one of the most accomplished coaches in the world: MLL Championship coach, Head Women's Coach at Stony Brook, a perennial top 5 team, and arguably the best youth coach in history.  His Team 91 teams have been other worldly.  Learning to how he develops and prepares these youth players ad teams is worth a listen!  By the way, when your club team plays 150 times per year it helps!

Jono Zissi, Torrey Pines, West Coast Starz

Jamie Munro, JM3 Sports

My original recruiting podcast discussing the fundamentals of the recruiting process.