Are you performing your life through Objective or Subjective Reality?

Objective Reality

Operating your life through the prism of the way things are?  It is what’s real or factual?

Subjective Reality

Operating your life through the prism of the ways things you would like it to be? It’s our perception of what’s real or factual. Most people are in this category. They perceive the world the way it not really is.

Are you making decisions based on perception rather than reality?  
On a scale of 1-7, 7 being Objective and 1 being subjective. Where are you?

Ask Yourself The Following:
1. If you improved your business or sales skills, would you get better results? If so, by how much?
2. What would it take to improve your business or sales skills?
3. Are you confident enough in your ability to improve to sign your name to it?