
Catchers 101 by Mike Scott

by Mike Scott
Catchers 101 by Mike Scott


Mike Scott Baseball covers the basic catchers mechanics in this nine part instructional video series. Topics include Catcher receiving stance, throws to second base, blocking pitches, signals, foul balls and more. These videos are for all ages, levels and abilities but are most useful to the catcher entering the big diamond and working with pitchers starting to throw off speed pitches.


The Coach


Mike Scott

Founder of Mike Scott Baseball


Coach Mike Scott has been giving private instruction to players of all ages since 1993. He is a journeyman of baseball. He has coached teams of all ages learning the most common struggles of each age group and how to effectively teach the proper drills and techniques to help solve their mechanical issues. Mike Scott currently coaches high school and summer college level teams in Connecticut. In 2008 he started his own baseball school where he gives lessons, runs clinics and now is producing instructional videos available online.

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This Course Includes

24 hours on-demand video
Streaming from mobile and TV
Lifetime access
Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (0)
Caterory: Baseball/Catching
Videos: 9