
Russell Springmann - ORU 5 Out Offense

by Russ Springmann
Russell Springmann - ORU 5 Out Offense


In this course, Coach Springmann breaks down ORU's offensive system 5 out and how they impement it for maximum offensive efficiency. He shares all the major keys that are neccessarry to run succesful 5 Out Offense, including play calls, quick hitters, transition plays and more.

Take a look at the succesfull 5 Out offense that took mid major school Oral Roberts to the Sweet 16 in 2021 NCAA March Madness


The Coach


Russ Springmann

Assistant Coach Oral Roberts Men's Basketball


Head Coach at Oral Roberts University Basketball

Long-time college assistant Coach Russell Springmann has the word Success writen all over him, from spending almost two decades at the University of Texas under legendary coach Rick Barnes to coaching at San Diego, Coach Springmann is a veteran that went multiple times to March Madness and knows how the game is played at the highest level

Ratings and Reviews (1)

Anthony Dunford


Aug 30, 22 04:55 PM

This Course Includes

24 hours on-demand video
Streaming from mobile and TV
Lifetime access
Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (1)
Caterory: Basketball/5 Out Offense
Bookings: 223
Videos: 6