
Chris Lorenti- Game Planning the Run Game

by Lauren's First and Goal
Chris Lorenti- Game Planning the Run Game


Are you a looking for a deep dive into the intricate details of strategic game planning for the run game? Or perhaps you're a coach seeking to enhance your understanding of football run game tactics? In either case, Coach Lorenti has you covered in this course. 


Coach Lorenti gives an in-depth look at the prevalence of zone schemes versus gap schemes in the run game. He dissects and analyzes these strategies, giving you an understanding of how different teams learn and adapt. He delves into how his approach changes when dealing with various surfaces presented by offensive lines and explores whether they are more adept at moving into the zone or chasing it down.


Coach Lorenti provides the keys to developing a successful game week prep routine. He shares their approach to dissecting first and second down runs and passes and provide an insider's look at how they shape their game plan throughout the week.

This Course Includes

24 hours on-demand video
Streaming from mobile and TV
Lifetime access
Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (0)
Caterory: Football/Game Planning
Bookings: 13
Videos: 12