
Jim Clarkson - Clarkson Leigh High School Head Coach

by #PoweredUp Clinics
Jim Clarkson - Clarkson Leigh High School Head Coach


Defensive Prep and Philosophy


The Coach

Jim Clarkson, a University of Nebraska alumnus, commenced teaching at Clarkson Public Schools, where he has made a lasting impact for the past 26 years, including a remarkable 24-year tenure as the head coach at Clarkson/Clarkson-Leigh. Currently serving as the Vice President of the Nebraska Eight Man Coaches Association, Jim Clarkson takes pride in being an integral part of the esteemed coaching fraternity in Nebraska High School Football. At the #PoweredUP Clinic, Jim will be sharing his insights on “Defensive Prep and Philosophy,” offering a unique perspective honed over decades of experience in coaching and education.

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Course Info

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Caterory: Football/Team Defense