
Kory Allen - Offensive Line Teaching Progression - Fundamentals & Drills

by Lauren's First and Goal
Kory Allen - Offensive Line Teaching Progression - Fundamentals & Drills


Kory Allen of the University of Findlay teaches the fundamentals of offensive line play and the teaching progressions & drill work of the Oilers. This course dives in depth into all aspects of coaching the offensive line starting with stance and progressing through drill work, blocking schemes, footwork techniques, 1 on1’s, and much more. Coach Allen breaks down how his offensive lineman are able to execute on gameday and gives you all the tools to incorporate these philosophies into your own practice. Click “Book this Course” now to get started on improving your offensive line play in all aspects of the game today.

This Course Includes

Lifetime access
Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (0)
Caterory: Football/Offensive Line
Bookings: 24