
LSU: Joe Burrow Spread Offense Breakdowns

by Football For Coaches
LSU: Joe Burrow Spread Offense Breakdowns


Do you want to learn from Steve Ensminger and Joe Brady's offense at LSU what they are doing to have success with Heisman Winner Joe Burrow? 

Then this course will show you. 

We have over 25 breakdowns of plays take from two of the best games this season. And more will be added as they play in the National Championship!

All-22 coming soon for the Alabama game also!

Breakdowns include some of the following plays: 

  • RPO's
  • Empty Pass
  • Smash Fade
  • Mesh Pyramid
  • And Many More...scroll down to view.

Includes a full .pdf playbook breakdown of every single play covered with player assignments, strategy and suggested QB progressions.

Grab this course and you will learn from the best and see exactly how LSU is dominating defenses in every possible way this season. 

All our courses are highly reviewed with 99% of them receiving a 5 star rating on CoachTube.


1 Sample LSU Breakdown with Alabama 1:39 2 Introduction: Watch This First! 5:43 3 Offensive Innovators Toolbox
LSU vs Alabama - Coach Wilson's Breakdowns
4 LSU vs Alabama Breakdowns 5 LSU vs Alabama Download 6 Trips Smash Spot Concept 2:00 7 Empty Levels Switch Concept 1:11 8 Play Action Shallow Out and Up 2:00 9 Shallow Cross 1:42 10 Levels Smash Concept 1:18 11 Slant RPO 1:03 12 Trips Shallow Verts 1:37 13 Jet Sweep Action All Verts 1:16 14 Bunch Mesh Post Wheel 1:52 15 Jet Motion Shallow Dig 1:25 16 Double Smash H Option 1:09 17 Push Motion Bubble Draw RPO 1:08 18 Double Dig Post 1:36 19 Mesh Return H Dig 1:22 20 Zone Pick RPO 1:30
LSU vs Georgia - SEC Championship Game - Coach Hahnstadt's Breakdowns
21 LSU vs Georgia Breakdowns 22 LSU vs Georgia Download 23 Empty Tight Mesh Dig 1:24 24 Clip 1 0:27 25 Smash Fade Option Route 4:35 26 Clip 2 0:27 27 Doubles Bubble Slot Option 1:57 28 Clip 3 0:12 29 Levels Smash Concept 2:37 30 Clip 4 0:10 31 Bunch Tight Mesh Curl 3:53 32 Clip 5 0:24 33 Fin Rub Redzone Concept 2:09 34 Clip 6 0:20 35 Empty Slot Option RPO 5:02 36 Clip 7 0:14 37 Smash Verts F Angle 2:55 38 Clip 8 0:18 39 Mesh H Curl F Wheel 2:35 40 Clip 9 0:23 41 Goalline Rub Levels Option 2:54 42 Clip 10 0:26 43 Speed Option 2:19 44 Clip 11 0:22 45 Zone Snag RPO 1:40 46 Clip 12 0:19
LSU vs Oklahoma
47 LSU vs Oklahoma Breakdowns (2020 BCS Semifinal) 48 LSU vs Oklahoma Breakdowns (2020 BCS Semifinal) Download 49 Duo Right RPO 2:37 50 Clip #1 0:26 51 Pistol Zone Left 1:32 52 Clip #2 0:23 53 Empty Smash Z Drag 1:16 54 Clip #3 0:41 55 Smash Post/Fade 2:50 56 Clip #4 0:30 57 Zone Hitch RPO 0:45 58 Clip #5 0:41 59 Outside Zone 1:46 60 Clip #6 0:20 61 Empty All Curls 1:25 62 Clip #7 0:32 63 Bunch Shallow Switch Verts 1:14 64 Clip #8 0:28 65 Z Corner Play Action Pass 1:07 66 Clip #9 0:23 67 Quads Flash X-Go 1:37 68 Clip #10 0:34 69 Y Motion Double Slant Hitch 1:15 70 Clip #11 0:59 71 Y Motion Zone Left Gator 1:39 72 Clip #12 0:36 73 Zone Left Lead 1:06 74 Clip #13 0:41 75 Zone Lead RPO 1:31 76 Clip #14 0:53 77 F Motion Double Out Cross 1:34 78 Clip #15 0:43
LSU vs Clemson (National Championship
79 LSU Natty Breakdowns 80 LSU Natty Breakdowns Download

The Coach


Football For Coaches

Helping coaches FIND their passion. Build a TEAM. And CHANGE their future


CoachingOffense.com and ProStyleSpreadOffense.com are both founded by Jason Hahnstadt who has been studying the game of football as a coach since his Cornerback playing days ended at Taylor University in 1999.

His passion for football led him into a variety of coaching positions where he enjoyed learning new systems at every level of football. 

Currently, Jason teaches Physical Education in Chicago and is also the founder of The Pro Style Spread Offense Football System as well as the soon to be released CoachingOffense.com membership. 

Ratings and Reviews (2)

Andrew Moss

play breakdowns

Feb 12, 20 06:22 AM

Anthony Payton

I loved it. Thank you so much.

Jan 11, 24 08:32 AM

This Course Includes

24 hours on-demand video
Streaming from mobile and TV
Lifetime access
Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (2)
Caterory: Football/Offense Breakdowns
Bookings: 571
Videos: 71