
Daily Discipline with Rory Vaden

by Rory Vaden
Daily Discipline with Rory Vaden


Success is a choice that is as simple as deciding to Take the Stairs  Self Discipline Strategist and author Rory Vaden shares the truth about what it takes to be successful by exploding common misconceptions that ordinary people have about Self‐Discipline 

We live in an escalator world of “get rich quick”, “magic pills”, and “secret formulas”. And in our constant search for convenience and making things easier, we are actually making them worse. Procrastination abounds, costing us millions in lost productivity.  A lack of personal accountability causes many of us to ignore the inevitable consequences that result from living unhealthy lifestyles. Broken promises and failed commitments continue to not only damage our workplaces and economic environments, but also our families and personal relationships as well.    

Meanwhile, the noise and distraction that come with the speed of which life is moving creates higher and higher levels of stress and anxiety in every thing that we do. Our time is stretched as thin as ever and after having tried all of the latest diet plans, fitness contraptions, money‐making schemes and success gimmicks we’re left wondering…  


Vaden shares a refreshing and slightly irreverent message that the truth about successful people is that they have simply developed the skill to do the things they know they should be doing even when they don’t feel like doing them. Successful people have the discipline required to get things done regardless of their emotional state. In short successful people Take the Stairs while others waste time looking for the escalator.  But self‐discipline isn’t as hard we all think, once we learn to think about it the right way. The seven incredibly empowering and unique insights shared in this book are transforming the way people think about work. This timely message has everyone realizing – many for the first time‐ the great paradox that the most guaranteed path to success and the easy life is to Take the Stairs.


1. The Paradox Principle of Sacrifice – The short term easy leads to the long term difficult while the short term difficult leads to the long term easy. Leverage long-term vision to endure short-term sacrifices. 

2. The Buy-In Principle of Commitment – The more we have invested into something the less likely we are to let it fail. Increase your commitment by creating the question “how is this possible?” rather than relenting to the question “is it possible?” 

3. The Magnification Principle of Focus – Focus is power. Spend time developing clarity about what you want most in life because the amount of our endurance is directly proportionate to the clarity of our vision. 

4. The Creation Principle of Integrity – You think it, you speak it, you act, it happens. Become relentless at creating congruence between your words and your actions. 

5. The Harvest Principle of Schedule – Focused effort is amplified by appropriate timing and regimented routine. Let go of the myth of balance and start living your life by the law of seasons. 

6. The Perspective Principle of Faith – Our ability to have peace is directly proportionate to the term of our perspective. Manage tragedy and setbacks by realizing that without the ability to see the entire future, we aren’t entitled to evaluate why things happen today. 

7. The Pendulum Principle of Action – It doesn’t matter what we say we believe our real beliefs are revealed by how we act. Cultivate the habit of action by being relentless about making progress while at the same time completely freeing yourself of the demand for perfection.  

Finally, make permanent change by embracing: The Rent Axiom - Success is never owned, it is only rented; and the rent is due every day. Know confidently that today is the hardest it will ever be and that one-day your appetites will change. One day you will crave the thing that was originally a sacrifice and what was once an indulgence you gave up later won’t even be a temptation. 


Daily Discipline
1 Take the Stairs Metaphor 5:16 2 First Things First 5:52 3 Start With Stop 4:32 4 The Cost of Procrastination 6:29 5 Success is Never Owned; Only Rented 4:40
The Paradox Principle of Sacrifice
6 The Paradox Principle 8:26 7 Common Denominator of Success 6:03 8 What's Your Number 4:58 9 The Compound Effect 7:15 10 Mysterious Ways 13:43 11 Committing to the Ridiculous 6:44 12 Indulgence Vs. Intensity 4:35
Buy In Principle of Commitment
13 Buy In Principle of Commitment 11:54 14 How to Own Your Dream 5:54 15 The Truth about Attitude 6:03 16 Two Options 5:46 17 The Garfield Principle 7:08 18 Crush It 5:31 19 Unconditional Commitment 5:48
Magnification Principle of Focus
20 Magnification Principle of Focus 5:54 21 3 Types of Procrastination 5:08 22 The Payoff 5:42 23 Making Your Vision V.A.S.T. 7:03 24 Priority Dilution 5:44 25 The First Moment 4:52
The Creation Principle of Integrity
26 The Affirmation Cycle 6:49 27 Transposed Thinking 5:58 28 Create Affirmations 6:15 29 Six Ways to Keep Integrity 7:00 30 Weaken Your World 6:21 31 Strengthen Your World 5:51
The Harvest Principle of Schedule
32 The Harvest Principle of Schedule 7:16 33 DTPTFTFT 7:16 34 The Jar 5:04 35 Fundamental No. Five 6:57 36 Ideal Schedule 5:09 37 Recovering From Being Off Schedule 4:00
The Perspective Principle of Faith
38 Flat Tire Freedom 6:41 39 Champion Character 6:31 40 Waste 4:45 41 Dead Level Best 5:17 42 Dalton, Georgia 7:51 43 Two Questions 4:48 44 The Pendulum Principal of Action 4:02
The Pendulum Principal of Action
45 How to Overcome Fear 6:18 46 Affordable Next Steps 5:46 47 Act Your Way Into Heathy Thinking 5:20 48 The Law Of Diminishing Intent 5:35 49 Three Faces Of Inaction 6:15 50 The Slinky Effect 4:45 51 Take the Stairs Review 24:06

The Coach


Rory Vaden

New York Times Bestselling Author & Co-Founder of Southwestern Consulting


Self-Discipline Strategist Rory Vaden’s book Take the Stairs is a #1 Wall St Journal, #1 USA Today, and #2 New York Times bestseller. As an award-winning entrepreneur and business leader, Rory Co-Founded Southwestern Consulting™, a multi-million dollar global consulting practice that helps clients in more than 14 countries drive educated decisions with relevant data. He’s also the Founder of The Center for the Study of Self-Discipline (CSSD). 

Rory is the world’s leader on defining the psychology around modern day procrastination, called Priority Dilution™ - in fact, he coined the term. He speaks and consults on how to say no to the things that don’t matter, and yes to the things that do. His client list includes companies and groups such as: Cargill, The Million Dollar Roundtable, P&G, True Value, YPO, Wells Fargo Advisors, Land O’Lakes, Novartis, and hundreds more. His insights have recently been featured on/in: Fox News, CNN, Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, Inc, Fortune, and the New York Times. 

He is a regular contributor for American Express Open Forum, Huffington Post, and The Tennessean and his articles and insights average more than 4 million views every month. 

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