
Concept Tennis Tips

by Alexander Johansson
Concept Tennis Tips


Improve your game with these quick tennis tips!


1 End Target 2:21 2 Intentional Repetition 0:37 3 Right Here 1:20 4 3 Axis Tennis 1:07 5 95% me 1:02 6 Aggressive Return Concept 2:03 7 Aggressive Spacing 1:01 8 Air Split Step 1:28 9 Build Skill VS Outcome 1:03 10 Butt cap magic 0:52 11 Catch in the Lap 1:43 12 Centered Movement 0:54 13 Clear Objective 1:27 14 Clear Percentages 1:11 15 Closed Space Trap 1:10 16 Combo Calm 1:03 17 Crazy Crab 1:07 18 Dead End Self Talk 1:02 19 Do you give your coach enough feedback 1:06 20 Don't defend what you don't have 0:55 21 Drop Shot Concept 1 (What) 2:07 22 Drop Shot Concept 2 (When) 2:53 23 Earn your positive future! 0:49 24 Easy Balls are Tough! 0:56 25 Empty 0:49 26 Experimental Edge Concept 1:01 27 First VS Second Return Mentality 1:17 28 Forgotten Passing Space 1:52 29 Get your Butt Up! 1:00 30 Go Caveman on it! 1:45 31 Great Coaching is Uncomfortable 0:52 32 High to Higher 1:02 33 Hit - don't Land! 1:02 34 Hurt or Stay 1:06 35 In Charge Concept. (serve & volley) 1:57 36 Intentional Rep 0:37 37 Intro & Volley Concept: Step Past Point 2:34 38 Know do it! 1:19 39 Learn to "Why" It 1:04 40 Lob Like You Mean It! 0:35 41 Maintain Form Concept 1:39 42 Maximize your Coaching 1:15 43 Move Lines In 1:04 44 Move to Volley Concept 1:10 45 No Through Concept 2:03 46 On Top & Below (return) 1:22 47 One Clean Path 0:53 48 Quick figure 8. (When things go fast) 0:42 49 Remember the Pain 0:45 50 Return Window 1:26 51 Serve Racquet Drop Concept 1:55 52 Shot Selection Empathy Concept 1:30 53 Split Below 1:09 54 Surf that Volley 0:37 55 Tell Yourself What TO DO! 0:59 56 Tennis Perfection 0:55 57 The Tennis Puzzle 0:52 58 The True Wrist Snap Concept 1:41 59 Watch the Action 0:49 60 "What's my fight" Concept 2:41 61 When to change direction in a rally 0:55 62 When to Push! (Go Hard) 0:56 63 Windy Edge 0:45 64 Defensive & Neutral Purpose 1:02 65 Earn to Learn (Become a Great Competitor) 0:59 66 Earn your edge 0:52 67 Make a Decision 1:06 68 My True Level 1:24 69 No Shortcut to Happiness 0:57 70 Posture Compensation 1:42 71 Prepare over & over 0:49 72 Push Like a Champion 0:56 73 Rally ball Core 0:34 74 Real Volleys! 0:56 75 Respect to Defeat (The underlying reason...) 1:33 76 Slingshot groundstrokes 2:00 77 Smart On The Rise 1:02 78 Stabilize for power 1:51 79 Supercharge your practice 0:44 80 Tangible Extensions 2:06 81 The Corkscrew 1:13 82 The Harder, The Better! 0:52 83 The score has no feelings! 0:47 84 To run around or not to run around... Concept 1:43 85 Ultimate Goal - No Regrets! 1:23 86 Volley the direction you move 1:13 87 What's your 100%? 1:08 88 Who's your Coach? 1:27 89 Wide Angle Back Concept 1:52 90 Get behind it! 0:46 91 The Power of "Better" 0:52

The Coach


Alexander Johansson

Improve Faster by Understanding


Concept Tennis is dedicated to underlying concepts enabling a better understanding & foundation to learn from...while avoiding info contradictions.

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Caterory: Tennis/Tips
Videos: 91