
The Winning Formula Framework

by The Winning Formula
The Winning Formula Framework


You hear the TV analysts say it all the time...

She is a CLUTCH player.  He is a BIG POINT PLAYER...

But what you don't hear them say is... "And here's how you can be one too."

Hi, my name is Mark Jeffery and If you're like me, you've spent hours and hours on court... obsessing over your technique... grooving your shots... in the aim to get a little bit better... so you can FINALLY start winning more tennis matches.
The problem is, when you get into those tight, 50/50 matches against players that you've always narrowly lost to... 
Old you shows up... and all of those lessons and hours on court abandon you.
It's so unfair, isn't it?
Well... what if you could: 
Win More 50/50 Matches... With the Strokes You ALREADY HAVE.

Start Beating Players You've Always Narrowly Lost To.

- Get into “The Zone” on Command  AND STAY THERE... Using a Simple 3 Step Process Between Points
-  “Hack” Years of Match Experience… in just a few weeks.
-  Finally Stop Overthinking and Overanalyzing.
-  Train Just 3 Shots To Get 80% of the Winning Results... in a Fraction of the Time.
How's this possible?  We modeled what the ELITE military do when they're training for battle.  
As you can imagine... the stakes for these soldiers are high. (As in... life or death.)
The military don't train in "silos"... they train all of the skills that are needed to execute the plan AT THE SAME TIME.
That way, when pressure is at it's highest... there's no "tip" or "trick" to remember.
They just execute.  On auto-pilot.
Until now, only a few tennis players have figured this out. (Djokovic being the obvious example.)
What we've done is cracked the code... on how YOU can get results like Djokovic at your level.
And it's all inside The Winning Formula Framework.  
All you have to do is follow it... go through it... and quickly start racking up more Big, Fat W's.


The Coach


The Winning Formula

They Coach Players. We Train Winners


Mark Jeffery-

*RMA Sandhurst trained Army Officer

* Army Champion Singles and Doubles
* Combined Services Representative
* Played at grass courts of wimbledon every year for fifteen yers vs The RAF and The Navy
* Invited to play for The International Club Of Great Britain
* Played for tennis clubs around the world
*The first person to bring a systematic Military training or performing at their best when it matters the most,  into tennis
* Four years of intensive research incorporating the elite from the worlds of Spiritual training (The Tao), Personal Transformation training (Tony Robbins and Landmark Education) as well as world class tennis coaches.
* The eventual formulation of The T.R.U.S.T method the world's first proven, replicable, modular, FORMULA for training anyone, any age, any ability, to train and then Win Big Points
* My Certificates are the 'W' Results ON Court ( and In Life) of the Big Point Player Students Online and LIVE from around the world.
'the best experience of my life'
'this was worth 100 times the cost' 
' I never realised that learning to win those 'big points' against my peer group would be so quick, 'easy' and didn't require any change of technique nor for me to suddenly become 'mentally tough'. 
'This was such FUN' 
'Every Club ought to stage Big Point Plyer training to train their competitive members in the skill of Winning with PRESSURE ..and now , when their eyes are opened on the role of technique under pressure, will engage the clubs coaches in lessons'
+ Mark's desire for constant learning on WINNING led him to create The Winning Summit with seventy world class coaches with proven track records in Winning, presenting at Winning Summits 1.0 and 2.0
* ' There's nothing I enjoy more than having my sleeves rolled up, on court with Big Point Player students'

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Course Info

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Caterory: Tennis/Strategy
Videos: 10