
Special Olympics Texas Bowling Coach Training

by Special Olympics Texas
Special Olympics Texas Bowling Coach Training


The Official Special Olympics Sports Rules for Bowling shall govern all Special Olympics competitions. As an international sports program, Special Olympics has created these rules based upon Federation Internationale des Quilleurs (FIQ) Rules as well as World Bowling (WB) Rules. FIQ, WB or National Governing Body (NGB) rules shall be employed except when they are in conflict with the Official Special Olympics Sports Rules for Bowling or Article I. In such cases, the Official Special Olympics Sports Rules for Bowling shall apply.


The Coach

The Official Special Olympics Sports Rules for Bowling shall govern all Special Olympics competitions. As an international sports program, Special Olympics has created these rules based upon Federation Internationale des Quilleurs (FIQ) Rules as well as World Bowling (WB) Rules. FIQ, WB or National Governing Body (NGB) rules shall be employed except when they are in conflict with the Official Special Olympics Sports Rules for Bowling or Article I. In such cases, the Official Special Olympics Sports Rules for Bowling shall apply.

Ratings and Reviews (22)

Ashley Salazar

Very straightforward and easy to understand.

Aug 7, 23 01:32 PM

Victoria Robledo

Very informative

Sep 26, 23 09:11 AM

Marcus Garza

very good

Sep 29, 23 10:25 AM

alma gutierrez


Sep 29, 23 11:18 AM

Erne Halsell

ok but can not retake the test

Oct 3, 23 08:35 AM

Eric Underhill

Great course I loved it

Oct 19, 23 08:25 AM

Anthony Schultz

it need to give you the option to print out the course

Jan 11, 24 01:11 PM

Michael Placente

it was ok. could have spent less time on showing a bowler bowl different scores/ fowl line. most people coaching already should have a working knowledge of how bowling is scored

Jan 10, 24 10:59 AM

Rob Fleischer

This was one of the worst training videos on Coach Tube. The speaker gave different information that was printed at least twice. In addition, the watching bowling section was ridiculous and pointless. If you were trying to teach people how to score that was not effective at all. Overall it was just poorly done. Other training videos have been very good, not this one.

Aug 18, 24 01:46 PM

Erin Fleischer

There were several times what was said was different information than what was shown on the screen. The way the scoring was explained was not good--people who don't know anything about bowling would not understand. The scoring should have been shown on a screen how the different frames added together work. This training was poorly done. Other training videos were so much better than this.

Aug 18, 24 01:46 PM

Marisol De La Garza


Aug 21, 24 01:16 PM

Josaphat Lozano


Sep 12, 24 06:14 PM

Gary Gorsich

How dare you send this out to us without reviewing it yourselves first.

Oct 14, 24 09:38 AM

Alice Kingston

Live videos did not help with understanding the scoring for anyone who is unfamiliar with it. Agree with other comments that it would be better to see a scoreboard and how spares and strikes affect scores.

Oct 24, 24 05:46 PM


Great job on the course. It helped me to understand the scoring a lot better

Oct 29, 24 07:42 PM

Adriane Mays


Nov 4, 24 06:49 AM

jolene melendez

good information

Nov 20, 24 07:33 AM

Lene LaPoint

Amazing course. I learned a lot from this course.

Dec 26, 24 07:39 PM

Rena Rosser


Dec 26, 24 07:39 PM

Lene LaPoint

Amazing course. I learned a lot from this course.

Dec 26, 24 07:39 PM

Lene LaPoint

Amazing course. I learned a lot from this course.

Dec 26, 24 07:39 PM

Lene LaPoint

Amazing course. I learned a lot from this course.

Dec 26, 24 07:39 PM

This Course Includes

24 hours on-demand video
Streaming from mobile and TV
Lifetime access
Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (22)
Caterory: Youth Coaching/Coaching & Parenting
Bookings: 979