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Top 5 Soccer Warm Up Drills
Soccer Warm Up Drills
Warm ups are one of the most important aspects of training and match day routines. Aside from the fact that warm ups can help players reduce their risk of getting injured, they also enhance players’ performance before a soccer match.
Although youth soccer players won’t reap the same benefits from warm ups that older players who are straining their bodies more will. It is vital to learn the correct stretches and movements for the different parts of your body for the future.
When compared to purely static stretching, the concepts behind the ‘best soccer warm up drills’ is that they prepare the entire mind and body of participants to play soccer. Not only because they are fun to practice, but also because they involve players making game-like movements.
The best soccer warm up drills provided below are the best options for your players if you desire them to perform at their maximum during the game.
Soccer Tic-Tac-Toe Warm up

This warm up drill is centered around helping players make good decisions when they are under pressure.
As the starting point, place two cones approximately 3 yards from each other. Having done that make a tic-tac-toe board about 10 yards from the starting cones with a different set of cones. Most importantly, split the group into 2 teams (dependent on how many players you have) provide the first three players in group one yellow pinnies, and the first three players in group two red pinnies (or equivalent). The result of this is a relay-style race to win tic-tac-toe.
Once the player receives the go-ahead from the coaches, the first player (player 1) runs to the tic-tac-toe board and drops a pinnie in one of the nine spaces.
On running back to the line, the player touches hands with the next player (player 2), and the whole process continues until a block or attempt to win the game for the team occurs.
The third player (player 3) races back to the line and after slapping hands with player 4 to start if the game is not won.
The role of player 4 is to run to the tic-tac-toe board and move just one of their colored pinnies to an open space - since the player does not have a pinnie in his/her hand.
The idea is to have the game continue like this until one of the two teams wins it.
Play to 5 wins.
Coaching Tips
While this game seems fun to partake in, it teaches these players the ability to think fast under the pressure of the other team.
Inside of the Foot Passing Warm up

To prepare your players to know how to accurately make passes with the inside of their foot with this passing warm up drill.
First and foremost, make a small window with two cones about 4-yards apart equidistantly. Line up the two groups of teams approximately 6-yards from the passing window and allow the players in front of the lines to start with the ball first.
Ensure that the first player in the line makes a pass through the window to the first player in the other line.
On receiving the pass, the first player in the other line sends his/her pass to the back of the other line by sprinting outside the window.
The receiving player must have made contact with the soccer ball before sending it to the next player in the other line via the window.
Then the passing player makes a pass back to the other line.
This whole process should be repeated after completion.
Coaching Tips
The drill focuses on accuracy between the cones, and it helps the players strike the ball well with the inside of their foot. Players that undergo this warm up drill will have a better first touch and good pace on the ball for the rest of the session/ game
Dribbling Warm up Drill

This soccer dribbling exercise focuses on allowing players have lots of touches on the ball within a limited time.
Divide the players into groups of 3-4 players. Ensure that the players remain in a small line with a flag of about 10-yards in front of them. Lastly, provide each of the players with a soccer ball for them to have access to participate in this drill.
Just like the first player, each of the players would have to dribble towards the flag, around the flag, and back to the initial line they have begun the process.
Ensure that the next player in line starts once the first player is halfway to the flag.
Repeat until the entire players have completed this.
Coaching Tips
At the end of this session, players will have better quality touches on the ball. During the drill, players are encouraged to lift their heads while dribbling and to use both feet.
Goalkeeper Warm up Drill

Prepare your goalkeepers hands and position for several different shots that will occur the in rest of the session or game.
This drill only requires some form of goal, and a coach with soccer balls.
The coach should stand with 6-7 balls and one at hand approximately 7-yards away from the side of the goal.
Firstly, the coach is to instruct the goalkeeper to sprint out to make contact with the soccer ball that the coach is holding.
Immediately the goalkeeper touches the ball, he/she is advised to peddle back towards the goal with their eyes kept on the ball in your hand.
As the goalkeeper peddles back, throw a high lofted ball and ensure the keeper makes contact with the ball on getting to his/her goal.
The coach kicks a ball towards the near post in which the keeper must quickly react and push the ball past the post either by catching or touching it.
Next the coach shoots at the far post and the goalkeeper must react the same way by catching or pushing the ball away from the post.
Finally, the coach hits the ball at the keeper and the keeper must save it just like he/she has been saving the previous ones.
These whole drill instructions are repeated in any order the coach prefers at the other side of the goal too.
Coaching Tips
This drill encourages goalkeepers to have quick footwork and movements during games. In addition, they are also taught to learn how to immediately recover from shots and be ready for rebounds.
Passing and Receiving Warm up

This Warm up drill is centered around teaching players how to pass and receive the ball. It’s a good fit for players above the age of 9 years.
Firstly, create a 20X20 yards grid and separate the players into two equal teams with one of the teams left inside the square and the second team left outside of the square. While the players outside the box are given the ball, the team inside the square will be working.
While calling their respective names, the inside the grid players will move inside the square and begin asking for a pass from the outside players.
The outside players make a pass to the inside players who on the other end quickly return the ball back to these players in one touch.
After around 60 seconds, rotate the outside players with the inside players and vice versa.
Coaching Tips
This drill works on the passing ability of players, and it also focuses on how these can make good first touch controls.
As well as including drills that will warm up your players’ minds and soccer ability. It is important to include static and dynamic stretches initially in your warm up. This can be paired with other equipment that will start to build up a player’s agility and speed.
Here is a great example from Coach Gerhard Benthin course: Soccer Tips and Techniques.com/course/soccer/soccer-tips-and-techniques-featuring-coach-gerhard-benthin/2476963?ambassador=0ef6ba0c759b40969faa3e37a">Soccer Tips and Techniques.