An introduction to the dynamic defense series in which Coach Rick Torbett takes you through several stages of improving your defense with Dr. Spencer Wood, a leading sports psychologist and movement expert. This series will help you earn your white belt - it's the bare bones, basic fundamentals you need to begin taking your game to the max!
These videos teach the drills you and your team need to take your defensive play to the next level. Hall of Fame coach Dick Helm brings his four level approach to building an excellent defensive player and a superb defensive team to this series, Dynamic Defense by Coach Rick Torbett.
Dynamic Defense Levels 1 & 2 will teach players the skills they need to guard their opponents with or without the ball.
These videos teach the drills you and your team need to take your defensive play to the next level. Hall of Fame coach Dick Helm brings his four level approach to building an excellent defensive player and a superb defensive team to this series, Dynamic Defense by Coach Rick Torbett.
Dynamic Defense Levels 3 & 4 will teach players the skills they need to defend situations that go above and beyond guarding the ball and guarding away from the ball. When there are more offensive players than defensive players, for example, a Level 3 or 4 defender will see a need to stop the ball and will fill that need.
When the skills have been mastered, is the game won? No! Strong offenses and clever opponents will still throw you for a loop. Dr. Spencer Wood returns to teach both players and coaches the mental toughness needed to achieve excellence.
"Mental toughness alone will never guarantee anyone a championship; but a lack of mental toughness is guaranteed to cost you a championship." - Dr. Spencer Wood
To cut off the drive into the lane, players need practice. The drives start in a predictable way and then finish up with random moves, so that players learn the ability to counter any action taken by the offense. This video is for building and testing your level 1 Defense.