In this course Coach Coltharp, a longtime Air Raid Coach at the High School level takes you through the latest iteration of the high school Air Raid Offense. This course covers:
Included with the course you will receive the 2023 Air Raid Playbook and the Air Raid Nation Practice Wizard tool.
The newly released 2023 Air Raid Playbook by Air Raid Nation. Complete with Formations, Pass Protection Diagrams, Essential Screens, Quicks, & Drop Back passes for the Effective High School Air Raid Offense. For more in depth instructions and video explanations of the playbook pick up the Foundations of the Air Raid 2024 course. This playbook is included in the Foundations of the Air Raid 2024 course, DO NOT PURCHASE if you own that course.
Our Fully Customizable Air Raid Practice wizard (Excel-Based) has drop down menus for practice segments/drills, etc based on our Air Raid Practice practice design. Create a full practice week schedule in minutes. You can also create your play script. Utilizing the master sheet you can change the play and formation names to fit your system. Spend more time on film and less on planning practice with our Wizard.
In this course Coach Coltharp goes over what he considers the 3 Basic Pillar Air Raid Plays that can be adapted to just about any offensive system. This course includes both diagram instruction and actual film examples. If you are new to the Air Raid or just want to add some base concepts to your system this course is for you. 3 plays covered are:
Coach Josh Christian - OC Maypearl and Coach Edgar Vazquez - OC Carrollton Creekview
2024 One Back Offensive Clinic Innagural Year - This clinic was hosted in DFW during the summer of 2024. This clinic had multiple speakers from public and private high schools, colleges, and the IFA. Topics discussed ranged from scheme and culture, to EDD and specific position groups. There were 50+ in person attendees and currently holds a 5 star rating on another CoachTube page. You can find out more about the clinic on X @onebackoff.
- Stan Bedwell is an experienced football coach who played professionally in Europe from 2006-2019
- He has extensive experience coaching and calling plays at multiple levels (pro, college, high school, youth)
The mesh is a passing play with these key elements:
- Two receivers cross paths ("mesh") about 6 yards from the line of scrimmage
- The play can be run from different formations but works best from 2-back or 3x1 sets
- Takes only 5 minutes per day to practice effectively
- Works against all types of defensive coverage (man, zone, etc.)
1. Basic Rules:
- Y receiver always sets the mesh point (stays on top)
- X receiver makes the mesh happen (goes underneath)
- Receivers should slap hands when crossing to ensure proper spacing
2. Quarterback Progression:
- Read Z receiver first
- Look to playside flat
- Look to playside mesh
- Look to backside mesh
- Check backside flat
- The mesh crossing should happen within 2 seconds
- Receivers should stay within 5 yards of the tackles
- In the red zone (near goal line), adjust routes to break at the goal line
- Practice scoring on every drill rep
- Keep it simple - don't add too many variations
The speaker emphasizes that success comes from:
- Consistent daily practice
- Keeping the concept simple
- Not overthinking defensive schemes
- Letting players give input on adjustments
- Focusing on execution rather than complex variations
Remember: The mesh concept is effective because it's simple but requires precise execution through repetitive practice.
- Coach Beni from Arlington Seguin High School
- 5 years at Arlington Seguin
- Previously coached at Bixby High School in Oklahoma
- Played college football at Tulsa from 2011-2015
1. Seasonal Development Approach
- Winter: Focus on strength training and multiple sports participation
- Spring: Testing different plays and techniques
- Summer: Conditioning and skill development
2. Training Philosophy
- Emphasizes playing multiple sports rather than just football
- Uses music and engaging activities to keep players focused
- Develops routines and consistent practice habits
3. Teaching Methods
- Uses progressive training methods starting with basics
- Incorporates various drills for footwork and hand placement
- Emphasizes both pass protection and run blocking skills
4. Program Success
- Helped turn around program from 1-29 record to 19-19
- Sent over 12 players to college programs
- Maintains connections with former players who return to help coach
- Uses evaluation sheets for players
- Incorporates data analysis of plays and performance
- Provides detailed feedback through digital platforms
- Creates personalized notes for each player's development
This video provides a comprehensive look at developing high school offensive linemen throughout the year, with emphasis on both physical and mental development.