
NBA Miami Heat Offensive Playbook

by Scott Peterman
NBA Miami Heat Offensive Playbook


Miami Heat's offense continues to be a handful for playoff defenses

Up 3-1, Heat are finding creative ways to score against Celtics



1 NBA Miami Heat Offensive Playbook (Automatic Download) 2 NBA Miami Heat Offensive Playbook (Read Only) 3 Ball Screen Actions 4 Drag Ball Screen / Crowder 0:08 5 Drag Ball Screen / Guard Reject 0:09 6 Drag Ball Screen with Dragic 0:18 7 Drag / DHO 0:09 8 Drag / Side Ball Screen 0:25 9 Drag / Elbow Strong 0:26 10 Drag / Cuts 0:15 11 Drag / Split Cut on Post 0:22 12 Drag / Double Ball Screen / Guard Slip 0:17 13 Step-up / Ball Screen 0:08 14 Step-up / Dribble Drive 0:09 15 Transition Sets 16 Transition / Post Butler 0:10 17 Transition / DHO Motion 0:25 18 Transition / Pin Down / Post Movement 0:18 19 Transition / Away Screen 0:13 20 Transition / Away / Pass Follow 0:17 21 Transition / Double Away 0:17 22 Transition / Double Away / Reject 0:12 23 Transition / Double Away / Ball Screen 0:20 24 Elbow Series 25 Elbow / Ball Screen / Good Movement 0:19 26 High Ball Screen / Rescreen / Motion 0:22 27 DHO with Jimmy 0:13 28 DHO with Shooter 0:11 29 Fake DHO 0:15 30 DHO, DHO again 0:14 31 DHO / Reject Away Screen 0:13 32 DHO / Post Split / Motion 0:25 33 DHO into 4 / Hit 5 in post 0:10 34 Side Ball Screen / Bad Help 0:15 35 Side Ball Screen / Guard Flare 0:23 36 Side Ball Screen / Post Guard 0:15 37 Early / Side Ball Screen 0:17 38 Side Ball Screen with Guard vs Switch 0:08 39 Side Ball Screen with Guard vs Switch - Great with Butler 0:08 40 Side Ball Screen with Guard vs Switch (Simple, but highly effective ) 0:15 41 Side Ball Screen with Guard for Switch 0:14 42 Slip Ball Screen / Switch 0:17

The Coach


Scott Peterman

Men's Basketball Hoop Scoop


I have coached at the NCAA Division 2 (Southwestern Oklahoma State University), NAIA (USAO), and JUCO Levels (Blinn College and Carl Albert State College) as well as high school. I just felt that fellow coaches especially young coaches need to constantly work on their “game”. Just like the basketball players that we coach. We as coaches need to improve ourselves. 

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