Artie Allen, Chaffey College - Inside Zone RPO & Decision Making

by Southern California Football Coaches Association
Artie Allen, Chaffey College - Inside Zone RPO & Decision Making


In this offensive run game course, the offensive coordinator of Chaffey College, Artie Allen, goes in-depth on their version of the inside zone RPO and breaks down the quarterback's decision-making. He Includes their pre-snap checklist, as well as 5 drills, & 7 offensive installs for you to implement this season! 

He starts out talking about a Superback, your go-to guy on for the run, he is the all-purpose back. Then he gets into their offensive philosophy and why the inside zone RPO is his team's bread and butter. A couple of keys to his offensive philosophy are protection for the QB on RPOs, all 6 eligible can get the ballsimple rules for players. Then he goes in-depth on their pre-snap checklist. Having a pre-snap checklist allows you to make informed decisions during the game. The QB and coaches read 3 key indicators the box, perimeter, and roof. He details out each of those indicators in this course that you need to successfully run the inside RPO.

Next, he moves on to the different drills they do to perfect the inside RPO. The first drill he introduces is the Script drill. He says the Script drill is the most important because it helps the QB make decisions on his own. This is important because, in every drill and play, the quarterback has to read a decision player and me a decision. He even shows off a video of this drill. Next, he moves onto Mesh and Keys (QB Only) drill. This is a more segmented drill that can have many layers to it. Basically, it forces the QB to read the decisions defender. He shows off a video of this drill as well. Next, he moves onto the Mesh and Conflict with RB drill. This drill forces the QB to make a decision in either handing the ball off to the running back or throwing it. He has a video showing off this drill as well. Next, he shows off the Mesh & Conflict with Receiver Routes. This helps the QB and receivers with their decision-making and route timing. Coach also shows this on video. Next, he moves onto the Perimeter drill. This drill brings it all together with constant decision-making.

He then breaks into his Inside Zone RPO schemes. He shows off so much game film that you do not want to miss to see how the drills truly help execute the plays flawlessly. He covers a number of variations that allow the QB to make a lot of decisions.

If you are a coach who wants to train your QB to be a better decision-maker or want to run the inside zone RPO, then you do not want to miss this course!



This Course Includes

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Course Info

Rating: (0)
Caterory: Football/Run Pass Option (RPO's)
Videos: 26