
Course 9: POWER Series including Roll Option

by Roger Holmes
Course 9: POWER Series including Roll Option


Watch the free samples below and you will quickly see why Coach Holmes has set the Georgia scoring record TWICE !!!

  • Wear down the defense with the relentless pounding of the Wing-T Power
  • Disguise Power using multiple formations
  • Control the clock while averaging 3-6 yards per play

The Power is an effective way to block and neutralize the defensive end and render a superior athlete a non-factor. Coach Holmes breaks down the many different blocking schemes that will wreck odd and even defensive fronts. 

Holmes delivers a look at the power series versus many different defenses and shows why the Herschel Moore blocking system is the most versatile in all of football.  There are answers to whatever the defense throws at you. 

you'll learn how to use multiple formations to give the defense different looks and still run your power play. 

Multiple high school programs across the nation have gone to the spread offense, and lose the ability to be physical. Holmes has played for 3 state titles by being physical in the run game with the power. You will see:

  • How to influence the defensive linemen and use their technique against them.
  • The importance of the double team block at the point of attack and how to execute it.
  • Key adjustments used against every defensive look.

Learn the footwork and aiming points for the play-side guard and tackle to both a two- and three-man surface.
Learn how Holmes makes adjustments  if a team plays a slant and angle type defense or if the defenders try to penetrate.

Learn how Coach Holmes determines which blocker performs which block depending on the style of defense and match-ups presented. 

Learn how to coach the kickout and log blocks in combinations according to how the defense reacts
Learn how to adjust the blocking scheme to account for blitzing linebackers
Learn how Holmes loves using unbalanced formations and motion to slow a fast reacting defense down.

This is a great video for any coach wanting to add a very powerful, physical run play to their offense. 

40 minutes.  2020


The Coach


Roger Holmes

NATIONAL Wing-T Expert


Coach Holmes has been a Head Football Coach for 29 years–the past 18 years at Dublin High School, Georgia.  He has won 157 games  with 8 Region Championships and 1 State Championship game with the Fighting Irish.   Before coming to Georgia, Coach Holmes  had won 73 games in eleven years at Beech High School, Tennessee.

His overall football record as head coach is 231-108-1.  

  • STATE COACH OF THE YEAR in bothTennessee (1995) and Georgia (2002 & 2006)
  • Georgia Athletic Coaches Association COACH-OF-THE-YEAR in 2002, 2005, & 2006.
  • Georgia Record for most points scored in a regular season in 2005 (549)
  • Georgia Record for points scored in a full season in 2006 (682).

Coach Holmes has been a National Wing-T Speaker of the Glazier Clinics, speaking at over 20 clinics.

Ratings and Reviews (8)


This video shows why Coach Holmes is the new National expert on WingT since Creehan & Delaware coaches are out of the game now.

Mar 1, 20 06:48 AM


Amazing detail. So much information and I love how he has blocking for every front.

Mar 1, 20 08:18 AM


I had to buy these videos to watch Coach Holmes after seeing him speak at a Glazier clinic. He is exceptionally knowledgeable about the wing-t. His blocking terminology has answers for everything! Holme's courses have my highest rating.

Mar 2, 20 02:06 PM

Coach Ledger

Now I know why everyone on the internet is calling Roger Holmes the "GodFather" of the Wing T. Love how he goes through all the blitz pickup rules. Great play to run against defenses designed to stop the spread.

Mar 2, 20 10:41 AM

Michael Westmoreland

Unbelievable insight from years Of experience

Mar 17, 20 10:53 AM


Sure got a lot out of this course.

Mar 31, 20 05:51 PM

Bobby Sharp

Great information on power sweep. Coach Holmes has several blocking schemes he uses in this video. Coaching points are valuable if you plan on running this.

Apr 16, 20 06:17 AM



May 3, 22 07:54 AM

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Course Info

Rating: (8)
Caterory: Football/Wing-T Run Game
Bookings: 198
Videos: 22