
Foundations of the Air Raid Offense: From Install to Championships

by One Back Nation
Foundations of the Air Raid Offense: From Install to Championships


3 1/2 Hours of Chalk Talk Based "Air Raid" instruction.  "Foundations of the Air Raid Offense" will provide you with the basic knowledge of the Air Raid Offense employed at the High School Level.  The course discussess philosophies, its practices, plays, and implementations of the offense from start to finish.  Included in the Course are not only the video instructions but a downloadable practice template, playbook, and more.




The Coach

Coach George Coltharp, is the founder of the 92 Mesh Group, a group of like-minded coaches who are disciples of the Air Raid Offensive system.  Coach Coltharp has 20 years of coaching experience and has been a Varsity Head Football coach for over ten years, as well as a college offensive coordinator.  He has spoken at many clinics, has a YOUTUBE CHANNEL dedicated to the Air Raid and is one of the highest leveled Air Raid Certified coaches at the high school level.  He played collegiately at Appalachian State University and is currently a doctoral candidate in Curriculum & Instruction at Liberty University.

Ratings and Reviews (37)


I highly recommend this course for anyone interested in switching to the Air Raid or wanting to brush up on their knowledge and learn from someone whole learned directly from Coach Mumme. It’s not just a series of plays, it is a philosophy. Loved the ideas shared on install schedule and practice planning. I’m hooked

Dec 13, 19 10:49 AM

Josiah Reed

WORTH EVERY PENNY! Highly recommended along with his youtube videos/page.

Dec 18, 19 08:08 AM

Dan Woolley

Very good explanation of the basic air raid concepts. As a coach who has little experience with a pass first system, this course does a great job of explaining the base quicks, drop backs, screens and runs of the Air Raid Offense. Would recommend for anyone looking to understand the air raid.

Dec 25, 19 04:47 PM

Ross Woods

Coach Coltharpe does a great job of explaining the Air Raid system the way he does it. He explains it simple enough for someone with no prior experience in the Air Raid to understand, but it still isn't a "dumbed down" version. Very concise videos with plenty of info. Would highly recommend this course.

Jan 2, 20 01:37 PM

Todd Jolly

First things first: This is a lecture driven course. Coach Coltharp is passionate and informative and the lectures cover most of the staple Air Raid plays. The strategy section gave added value to the course as well. What is missing from this course are cutups. However, upon completion of the course, coach offers a $100 off coupon for the Advanced Course which does include cutups.

Jan 11, 20 09:08 AM

Nate Hughes

I changed schools about 4 years ago and they were running a more pro style system. The previous 8 years I had run air raid and absolutely loved it and what it does for a team with lesser talent. At the conclusion of this season our head coach decided we needed to transition to the air raid. Needless to say I was excited but realized I needed to polish my skills and knowledge. That is when I came across the 92 Mesh Group and the Total Air Raid System. It was an affordable way to relearn the air raid and I am extremely happy I did. Great resources and information. Love the YouTube channel too.

Jan 12, 20 10:23 AM

Mike Turso

Coach Coltharp is motivated and eager to share his knowledge of the Air Raid Offense. I found his material easy to understand and well worth the money for the course. Highly recommend!!

Jan 14, 20 04:45 PM

David Piwowarczyk

Coach does a great job getting you started in the Air Raid System. Great for new coaches or coaches looking to switch systems

Jan 27, 20 09:48 AM

Jason Cauley

Very detailed, good stuff.

Feb 6, 20 11:37 AM

Christopher Littleton

Great Course

Feb 19, 20 11:30 AM

Ricky Kelly

outstanding material. really informative

Feb 28, 20 01:45 PM


Great course! Already have elements of the air raid in my offense,but it’s awesome to learn more to add more elements in! Will be getting the 2020 Course

Mar 8, 20 10:22 PM

Coach Juan Carlos Lozano

Coach Coltharp does a magnificent job guiding your learning. I purchased this course and the Total Air Raid System 2020: Advance Air Raid as soon as he made them available. It took me until now to get into this one and presently, I am half way through the other. Both are well worth your investment. Furthermore, because they are on CochTube, you can access them any time and get your Reps in. Just like the Air Raid is a Rep Driven system, I believe after completing Coach Coltharp's Air Raid system and the Certification provided by Coach Hal Mumme, I am better prepared, and a better coach to run the Air Raid. #BeTheBestYou! and Like Coach says #SpinItToWinIt!

Mar 29, 20 01:13 AM

Jimmy Dushane

Great. Great course to get basic concepts of the air raid,

Mar 30, 20 06:12 PM


Great course. Does a great job explaining the basics of the Air Raid offense. Very helpful for a young coach trying to learn the Air Raid system.

Apr 15, 20 06:46 AM

Matthew Friedman

This was a very thorough and comprehensive course. The inclusion of the coach and player thought processes as well as the attention to detail regarding practice planning and drill work necessary to maximize the Air Raid was awesome!

Apr 22, 20 01:11 PM


An amazing course! Highly recommend for anyone wanting to learn about the Air Raid. Coach Coltharp does an awesome job simplifying and explaining the concepts, philosophy, practice schedule. Everything you need to go run an Air Raid, he has ready for you!

Apr 22, 20 07:18 PM

Joseph Russell

Coach Coltharp does a great job of getting to the foundation of the Air Raid and teaches the fundamentals to include the strategy on play calling. Great course for any coach wanting to get into the Air Raid

May 8, 20 03:28 PM

Benedikt Rosin

Just amazing!

May 15, 20 12:51 PM

Skip Crooker

Outstanding videos. The instructor does a great job motivating the philosophy of the Air Raid. He demonstrates the techniques in such a way that I am confident I can teach the concepts to our athletes. I look forward to executing this offense this upcoming Fall.

May 23, 20 01:56 PM

William Neale

Hit the nail on the head...provides a solid base for the air raid but gives space for coaches to make it their own. Thank you!

Jun 3, 20 09:12 AM

Martin Quirk

Simply outstanding. Coach is very detailed in his scheme and any coach new or old will get some benefits and value from his teaching.

Jul 21, 20 04:31 PM

Jason Ford

Great Course!!

Sep 23, 20 04:16 PM

Mike Kerr

Coach Coltharp does a great job of providing a lot of information but making it very understandable and relatable. Even though I have studied the Air Raid before I picked up a number of different ideas and approaches that I plan on implementing next season. I highly recommend this series to anyone looking to implement the Air Raid, become more proficient at the Air Raid, or just add a few Air Raid concepts to your offense!

Dec 8, 20 09:00 AM

Trevor Steiner

I was hoping for much more details on specific position technique and more minute coaching points that can make a huge difference in the ability to teach the concepts of this offense. A good course if you are looking for a basic presentation of the Air Raid offense.

Feb 4, 21 01:15 PM

Harold Greenfield

This is a great course for anyone looking to learn the foundations of the Air raid offense.

Mar 4, 21 06:19 AM

Nick Neria

Great course

Mar 8, 21 09:04 AM

Chris Largen

Excellent course! Coach Colthrap does a great job explaining the Air Raid offense. Would recommend this for anyone wanting to learn the Air Raid.

Jul 11, 21 12:59 PM

John Buckley

Excellent basic air raid content. Well presented!

Oct 28, 21 07:18 PM

Sean Love

I'm just halfway through and this is awesome. I know I will take this philosophy and win a championship with the personnel we have. Will keep you updated.

Dec 31, 21 06:36 PM

Gavin Wisel

Must have for Air Raid coaches!

Apr 18, 22 06:39 AM

Will Hardesty

Great content

Sep 12, 22 08:56 AM

Fernando Oliveira

Amazing! Thank you Coach for all that you shared!

Jul 23, 23 08:31 AM

Gary Roberson

Fantastic course that encompasses the basics needed to run the air raid in middle and high school.

Aug 29, 23 06:01 AM

Brian Wolfe

Great course for introduction to the Air Raid.

Dec 19, 23 08:37 PM

ken brown

Absolutely brilliant!!

Jun 10, 24 05:16 PM

Ruben Ramirez

The course is concise and easy to understand.

Aug 8, 24 03:31 PM

This Course Includes

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Course Info

Rating: (37)
Caterory: Football/Air Raid
Bookings: 912