
How to Analyze Football (Soccer) - Basics

by Hamza El Kadioui
How to Analyze Football (Soccer) - Basics


Welcome to your course "How to Analyze Football (Soccer) - Basics". Whether you are a coach, a player, or even a football lover, this course is for you!


Analyzing football isn't and shouldn't be exclusive to football analysts. Whether you want it or not, you are analyzing football while coaching your team, while playing a game, or even while watching it. The question isn't should I analyze football? but it is How to Analyze football?


In this course, you will discover the things you should absolutely know and do before watching, playing or coaching your very next game.


By the end of this course, you will be able to analyze football games correctly. You will understand football deeply in order to improve your performance.


This course is composed of 4 sections:

  • In the first section, you are going to know me (the instructor), the roadmap of the course, and the structural logic of the course.

  • In the second section, you are going to answer the question of Why Analyzing football?

  • In the third section, you are going to gain some knowledge about the basics of football analysis.

  • In the fourth and last section, you are going to discover some resources and receive a piece of advice to help you with your journey analyzing football.


Shortly talking, this course will change your filter through which you see Football (Soccer), and give you some basics and resources to get started in football analysis.


What will students learn in this course?

  • Understand why you need to analyze football.
  • Gain knowledge of football analysis basics.
  • Analyze football like an analyst.


Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

  • Have at least a basic understanding of football (soccer).
  • Be open-minded.
  • Be ready and eager to learn.


Who are the target students?

  • People who want to gain a deeper understanding of football.
  • Coaches who want to get the best results from their games.
  • Players who want to improve their performance.
  • Football fans who want to understand coaches, clubs, and players' decisions and their impact on the game.


The Coach


Hamza El Kadioui

Football (Soccer) Analyst


If you are here to listen to some coach or football analyst with diplomas and certifications, well you are in the wrong place. But, if you are here to listen to someone who deeply loves football, who learned football analysis by himself, and his mission is to popularize it, well, you are welcome, guys


Some facts about my journey analyzing football:

  • I worked as an analyst freelancer with many clubs, teams, and players.
  • I helped thousands of students with my courses and video content.

Ratings and Reviews (5)

Ins Leonard

Nicely Done Coach! I have enjoyed learning the basics of soccer analysis.

Feb 1, 21 05:11 AM

Saad Rodriguez

I loved how this course is more about the mindset change than it is about accumulating any kinds of analysis knowledge. I recommend it!

Feb 1, 21 07:07 AM

Mazi El mehdi

great experience , thank you for this course !

Feb 1, 21 07:25 AM

Oluwapelumi Joseph

Good course

Feb 8, 21 09:32 AM

such a simple and useful course . I'll wait for more course from you

Feb 10, 21 10:57 AM

This Course Includes

24 hours on-demand video
Streaming from mobile and TV
Lifetime access
Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (5)
Caterory: Soccer/Tactics
Videos: 19