
Feed the Cats: `Getting Started` Remote Coaching Primer

by Tony Holler
Feed the Cats: `Getting Started` Remote Coaching Primer


“GETTING STARTED” is course #12 of an ambitious Feed the Cats Certification Program created by Tony Holler.

Feed the Cats is a revolutionary way of training, coaching, and teaching that values specificity, essentialism, performance, and love. After gaining a world-wide following in Track & Field, FTC has now gained a strong foothold in American Football and Lacrosse.

I get several requests for remote training. Professional basketball players, college football players, college track athletes, high school lacrosse players, etc. I’m currently speed training a 10 year old and a 50 year old. Speed is speed. “GETTING STARTED” thoroughly describes what I explain to my clients in our first phone call. Everything from the why, to the how, to the how often, to what will be needed and/or required to get started.

Here are some links referenced in “FTC-112”

Freelap $535

$10 Spikes




Solo Speed Training in Less than 700 Words


Follow Tony Holler on Twitter… @pntrack


The Coach


Tony Holler

Head track coach at Plainfield North High School. 42 years experience coaching football, basketball, and track. Member of Illinois Track & Field Hall of Fame and Co-director of Track Football Consortium with Chris Korfist


  • Head Boy's Track & Field at Plainfield North High School (IL)
  • Retired Chemistry Teacher
  • Public Speaker
  • Writer for FreelapUSA, SimpliFaster, & ITCCCA
  • Creator and Owner of "Feed the Cats"
  • Co-Owner of Track Football Consortium
  • Certified Teacher of Reflexive Performance Reset

Ratings and Reviews (7)

Tyler Germain

Tony always does a great job, and this is really accessible to athletes -- not just coaches.

Mar 3, 21 07:59 AM

Sagar Bhardwaj

this is very good

Mar 6, 21 02:17 AM

William Buckley

A great introduction to being coached by one of the best.

Mar 10, 21 05:07 AM

olivier nemery

une évidence pour les coachs de tous sports ou la vitesse est prioritaire. une communauté est en train de se créer. "un homme avec des idées nouvelles est un fou, jusque a que ses idées triomphent" marcelo bielsa

Apr 10, 21 05:11 PM


Great Overview of the system!

Dec 23, 21 05:18 PM

Jack Byrne

Excellent work coach!

Feb 17, 22 04:36 AM

Irvin Sigler

Great stuff. I had not considered how important training the CNS to "go fast" is to the improvement of overall athletic performance.

Mar 14, 22 06:15 AM

This Course Includes

24 hours on-demand video
Streaming from mobile and TV
Lifetime access
Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (7)
Caterory: Track and Field/Sports Performance
Bookings: 1101
Videos: 18