
X-Factor: Creating More Explosive Football Players and Sprinters

by Tyler Germain
X-Factor: Creating More Explosive Football Players and Sprinters


Coach Kyle Edwards shared this talk at the Virtual Speed and Performance Clinic, sponsored by SimpliFaster and hosted by Tyler Germain. Kyle will take you through several great explosive plyometric drills that will increase athletic performance in your athletes!


The Coach

Kyle is a young, exciting, up-and-coming speed coach. He has used the world of social media to present his ideas of micro-dosing your speed work to keep your athletes happy, healthy, and ready to perform. He’s known on social media for his creative take on the “X-Factor” workout. He currently coaches at Mishawaka High School in Mishawaka, IN as the sprints coach on the track and field team, and as the speed and corners coach for the football team.

You can follow Kyle on Twitter at @kyle_edwards32.

Ratings and Reviews (1)

AJ Grezenko

Great Content!

Feb 7, 22 06:09 PM

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Rating: (1)
Caterory: Track and Field/Coaching Track & Field