Step one is to find your core offensive identity. You can design your offense to be run heavy, pass heavy or balanced.

Know what you want to be and what will fit the culture of your school, program, staff, etc. Try surveying your program if you're not sure.

Copy and paste this survey to a Google Document and then print and hand out to your staff to fill out over the next few days. Let them know that all their answers will be confidential. 

Staff survey Questions: 

What do you believe our core offensive identity should be? Run, Pass, or Mix.

What percentage of Run to Pass should we be and why?

What is stopping us now from realizing this identity?

What kind of student athletes can we recruit best to play?

What kind of offense do you think our athletes want to play in?

Head Coach Questions:

What plays are you comfortable with? What are you not comfortable? 

What is the experience level of your coaches? Who has a proven track record and is dependable?

Staff Meeting Assignment:

Share a summary of results of the survey anonymously - note commonalities and strengths.

Head Coaches Job: Create an offensive identity statement with your staff from the discussion of the staff together. Make compromises when necessary but stick to your guns based on the facts. Review this every season.