Adapted from an article in UK

1.Temperature – ideal bedroom 60 – 65 Fahrenheit. Use of fan if needed.

2. Lighting – Dark is best. Use blackout curtains. Eye mask make a suitable substitute for blackout curtains. 

3.  Minimize or eliminate screen time an hour before bedtime. Blue blocking glasses can also be helpful to increase melatonin during this time.

4. Use bright late in the morning to set circadian rhythm.

5. Invest in quality mattress and pillows. If traveling consider bringing your own pillows.

6. Noise – keep the bedroom quiet. Noise machines can be effective for some people. Earplugs can work especially when traveling.

7. Uncluttered bedroom- A messy room – can lead to poor sleep and increased anxiety

8. Do not work or work out in bedroom.

9.Remove tech from the bedroom – no devices in bedroom limit bluelight, affects circadian rhythm

10. Create a sanctuary. A clean safe haven.