
Northridge`s Multiple Defenses

by Coach Will Rey
Northridge`s Multiple Defenses


Coach Rey presents his Northridge's 1-3-1, and it is the foundation of other defenses within the program. He discusses their defense by the numbers and how they achieve their objectives using these defenses. Coach Rey's teaching points on their 1-3-1 include positions, geography on the court, ball-side wing responsibilities, weakside wing responsibilities, chaser x4, tail x1, and middle x5.



The Coach


Coach Will Rey

45+ Years of Basketball Coaching Excellence


Will Rey | Head Coach | Northridge HS

Coach Will Rey is the head coach at Northridge High School in Niles, Illinois. Coach Rey was inducted into the Illinois Basketball Coaches Association Hall of Fame in 2015. Rey has a wealth of Division I men's basketball coaching experience, having held the head job at Loyola of Chicago from 1989-94. He also was an assistant at Wright State and Evansville. Before joining Jim Crews' staff at Evansville, Rey was the head coach at Fenwick and Crete-Monee. He also was an assistant at Gordon Tech, now called DePaul Prep.

Coaching Experience

Gordon Tech (Depaul) Assistant Coach  1977-1980
Crete-Monee Head Coach  1980-1982
Fenwick Head Coach  1982-1985
Evansville Assistant Coach  1985-1989
Loyola Head Coach  1989-1994
Northridge High School  Present


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Caterory: Basketball/Zone Defense
Bookings: 14
Videos: 14