
Pressure, No Middle Man-to-Man Defense | Randy Sherman, Radius Athletics

by Tony Miller
Pressure, No Middle Man-to-Man Defense | Randy Sherman, Radius Athletics


In this masterclass, Radius Athletics' Randy Sherman dives into pressure man-to-man defense - how to teach it and how to develop players who are high level defenders, both individually and as a unit.

  • Deciding between Pressure Defense and Containment Defense
  • Teaching Defensive Concepts
  • Customizing the Defense for Your Team
  • Coach Q&A

For more from Randy, check out the RAMP Gold Level Mentoring Program.


The Coach


Tony Miller

College Professor and Coach


Coach Randy Sherman is an experienced coach with an illustrious history of working in a lot of different areas of the sports industry. The main facet that he specializes in is consulting for basketball coaches and continuing to mentor them. Being able to help these coaches develop their skills and reflect on their experiences as a coach, as well as helping with strategy and sets makes him a valuable asset to any coach that opts to take on Coach Sherman's advice. 

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This Course Includes

24 hours on-demand video
Streaming from mobile and TV
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Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (0)
Caterory: Basketball/Defense
Bookings: 76
Videos: 12