
Coaching for Leadership Masterclass

by Cory Dobbs
Coaching for Leadership Masterclass


In this Masterclass I set out to explore some perennial debates within the field of Leadership Studies.  This course is of great significance to coaches interested in the new science of leadership, teamwork, and teambuilding.  It has been developed with the intent of exposing the common assumptions that inform the ways in which a coach   goes about recognizing and developing student-athlete into leaders.

Not Your Regular Leadership Experience
Why, you might ask, is it necessary to have a leadership development course for coaches all ready steeped in leadership?  What makes this class different is I do not favor feel-good pop psychology; rather your journey should produce a more fruitful intellectual dialogue than is generally the case in leadership courses and workshops.  First, I take a bold approach that is often critical of contemporary coaching and development of student-athletes.  Second, I take an interdisciplinary perspective on leadership.  Much can be learned from other disciplines—such as history, business, social science, philosophy, and cognitive science. And thirdly, I endeavor to offer a balanced perspective on leader development offering up the pros and cons of various approaches.

In short, the aim of this Masterclass is to help you navigate the complex and confusing terrain that is leadership and leader development.

The breakthrough work of a leader in every locker has legitimized the need for coaching for leadership and developing teamwork intelligence.  Now, in this ground-breaking course, coaches can fufill their potential starting today.   Course Overview (click here)

To review the Masterclass Syllabus (click here)



1 Field Study 6:30
Module 1
2 Introduction 6:48 3 The 3 Disciplines of a Team Leader 7:04 4 The 3 Responsibilities of a Team Player 8:01 5 The 4 Dimensions of Teambuilding 5:02 6 The 5 Core Concerns of Every Team Member 5:48 7 The 5 Forces of a Relational Culture 5:22 8 Coaching for Leadership (1) 6:13 9 Coaching for Leadership (2) 1:48 10 Breakthrough Leadership: A Change Project 2:59 11 Module 1 Field Study 4:59 12 Module 1 Field Study 13 20 Principles and Concepts Handout 14 Crossing the Chasm: A Masterclass Challenge 7:28 15 Crossing the Chasm Handout 16 Big We Little Me: A Case Study Activity 17 Using the Case Method in Teamwork Intelligence 18 Module 1 Q & A
Module 2
19 The Big Shift: Player-led Teambuilding 6:11 20 The Big Shift 21 The 8 Roles of Team Leadership 6:50 22 Adaptive Intelligence: The 4 Minds of the Coach 5:51 23 Module 2 Orientation: It's How You Think that Matters 6:11 24 Rapid and Reflective Learning 6:46 25 Exploring the Coaching Mind Set and Skill Set 8:16 26 Module 2 Field Study 5:11 27 Module 2 Field Study 28 Wrapping up with the Building Blocks 5:00 29 Building Blocks Box 30 Module 2 Q & A
Module 3
31 Psychological Safety (1) 7:28 32 Psychological Safety (2) 0:11 33 Teamwork Intelligence: Culture of Trust Scorecard 5:31 34 Teamwork Intelligence: Awareness 7:07 35 Teamwork Intelligence: Team Talk 11:36 36 Teamwork Intelligence: 5 Forces 10:51 37 Teamwork Intelligence: Cracking the Code 38 Module 3 Field Study 4:32 39 Field Report 3 40 The 8 Roles of Team Leadership 41 Module 3 Q & A
Module 4
42 Plan for Development 5:31 43 Self-Directed Learning 5:47 44 Learning as Transformation 7:40 45 The Leadership Quest 9:02 46 Field Report 4 47 The Vital Role of the Coach as a Leadership Educator 48 Module 4 Q & A 49 Module 1: Questions for Deep Thinking

The Coach


Cory Dobbs

Academy for Sport Leadership


Dr. Cory Dobbs is an accomplished researcher of human performance–a relentless investigator of teambuilding and leadership behavior.  A skilled researcher, Cory actively engages the process of naturalistic inquiry seeking in-depth understanding of social phenomena such as leadership and team building in their natural setting.  An organizational "teamologist," Dr. Dobbs is an author, speaker, teacher, trainer and a consultant.

Dr. Dobbs is the Founder & President of The Academy for Sport Leadership ( A former basketball coach, Cory's coaching background includes experience at the high school and collegiate levels of competition. Cory has worked with collegiate athletic programs and high schools teaching leadership and team building as a part of the sports experience and education process.  

-Leadership Development of Coaches & Student-Athletes
-Team Building / Teamwork Intelligence / Team Cohesion
-Organizational Design and Behavior
-Qualitative Research
-Organizational Change & Culture

Cory has been a recognized educator teaching at:

Northern Arizona University
Ohio University
Grand Canyon University

Ratings and Reviews (1)

Hugh Oconnor

Great course, lays out a plan for developing leaders on your team. Gives coaches a chance to rethink remember that teams are built on relationships and leaders are made not born.

Apr 26, 21 09:04 AM

This Course Includes

24 hours on-demand video
Streaming from mobile and TV
Lifetime access
Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (1)
Caterory: Coach Development/Leadership and Coaching
Bookings: 38
Videos: 31