
Cover 3 (1 High Zone) Match Principles vs. 3x1 Formations

by Dante Bartee
Cover 3 (1 High Zone) Match Principles vs. 3x1 Formations


This video is Part 3 of a 3-Part Series from Coach Bartee

CLICK HERE to see the whole thing

This course goes deeper into the scheme by detailing Match Principles that allows a defense to play cover 3 and 6 and 1 High Match vs. 3x1 Offensive sets.  

This course is packed with Coach Bartee teaching the scheme on both the white board and through game film.

Points that will be covered in this course:

-Flash Concept: Combining Flood Coverage with Match Principles

-Teaching the Take Back Concept

-Understanding Skake and Mable

-Teaching Skate Coverage with Regular Flood Principles

-Teaching Weak Rotation Flood Coverage

-Understanding "Flooding the Coverage"

-How to react to Back Fast to the Flat

-Defending and Aligning to 20 Personnel

-Defending RPO's from Mable

-Setting Mable to Quads sets

-Positioning the Rotating Safety




1 Introduction to the Coverage vs. 3x1 Formations 0:58 2 Flood Concept - Teaching from the slides 4:30 3 Using the whiteboard to teach the concepts 4:48
Downloadable Teaching Slides
4 Cover 3/6 - 3x1 Flood teaching slide 5 Cover 3/6 - 3x1 Flash teaching slide 6 Flood Concept vs Single Width 3x1 7 Cover 3/6 - Take Back teaching slide
The Fundamentals of Covering down to 3x1
8 Teaching drops in the coverage and relating to receivers down the field 7:51 9 Take Back and Pass Back Concept Rules 8:02 10 Teaching Slides - Flash (combining Flood with Match Principles) 3:13 11 Teaching Slides - Take Back Concept 0:44 12 Teaching Slides - Flood vs. Single Width 2:32 13 Teaching Slides - Cover 3/6 Responsibilities Chart 2:07
Skate Teaching Clips
14 Teaching Clips: Skate 5:18 15 Teaching Clips: Skate part 2 4:01 16 Teaching Clips: Flash Principle to Trips 2:52 17 Teaching Clips: Skate Coverage with Regular Flood Principles 4:17 18 Teaching Clips: Weak Rotation Flood Coverage 2:41 19 Teaching Clips: Basic Skate 1:21 20 Teaching Clips: Flooding the Coverage vs. an Empty Set 3:57 21 Teaching Clips: Weak side Rotation vs. 4 Verts 3:43 22 Teaching Clips: Take Back Technique 4:38 23 Teaching Clips: Reacting to Back Fast to the Flat 2:38 24 Teaching Clips: Take Back Technique part 2 4:24
Mable Teaching Clips
25 Teaching Clips: Teaching Mable 5:52 26 Teaching Clips: Playing an RPO from Mable 2:33 27 Teaching Clips: Defending and Aligning to 20 Personnel 1:52 28 Teaching Clips: Mable vs. a Quad Set 2:32 29 Teaching Clips: Rotating the Safties and playing Mable vs. Jet Motion 2:19 30 Teaching Clips: Positioning the Rotating Safety 2:47 31 Teaching Clips: Aligning to and Playing Quads 2:00
32 Review and Conclusion 5:37

The Coach

Dante Bartee is a rising star in the football coaching profession. His expertise in defensive teaching methodologies are beginning to be noticed by his peers.

Dante joined the Upper Iowa University football staff for his first season in 2018-19 as an assistant coach. Bartee coaches the linebackers for the Peacocks.

Bartee comes to Fayette from Tempe, Arizona where he has coached at Perry High School in Gilbert for the last four years.

At Perry, Bartee began his coaching career early on. As a junior and senior, he helped the coaching staff with film analysis and scout teams. Beginning in 2014, Bartee was part of the coaching staff for the varsity team at Perry; he was 18. In Bartee's second season he was the co-defensive coordinator before taking the role on his own over the last two seasons.

While coaching with the Pumas, Bartee completed his Bachelors Degree in justice studies at Arizona State University in December 2017.

Ratings and Reviews (9)


If you want to learn MOFC Zone match principles, Get all of Coach Bartee's Courses

Jan 7, 20 08:52 AM


A must have course if you are considering running 1 high zone match.

Feb 10, 20 04:35 PM

Gideon Cavallo

Great course! Coach Bartee, breaks down on the little details on playing Match 3 against 3x1 sets. He goes through terminology and explains what it all means, he also does a great job of showing key concepts that county cover 3 teams face as well as any patterns that give match 3 challenges. Bartee always explains the "WHY" they are doing what they do and how to do it.

Mar 18, 20 06:10 PM

Grady Breen

Just absolutely FANTASTIC

Apr 7, 20 06:00 AM

Rick Larrick

Outstanding very well presented!

Apr 30, 20 01:53 PM

Jesus Colome

Great course! Lots of info on playing mofc zone match, well presented and explained. Detailed and backed up with film. If you are into mofc defense, this is gonna be helpful

May 3, 20 04:20 AM

Bobby Sharp

Completely blown away by this presentation. A great comparison would be Susan Boyle singing "I have a dream". I was shocked then and I am shocked even more by Dante Bartee's awesome clinic on Match coverage. I have tried to find answers on it for several years and he has given them in his three videos. I have hundred of hours of training tapes on football but these rate at very top. Great job and I hope it leads to an even bigger job for you.

May 18, 20 06:51 PM


Very detailed and well organized

Apr 3, 21 01:06 PM

Andre Brookins

Amazing class. My first 7 v 7 tournament we gave up 7 points a game using 3x1 checks. In my second scrimmage we gave up 1 touchdown. Thank you this help a lot.

Jun 21, 21 10:40 AM

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Course Info

Rating: (9)
Caterory: Football/Coverage
Bookings: 385
Videos: 28