
Feed the Cats: Sprint-Based Football

by Tony Holler
Feed the Cats: Sprint-Based Football


“Sprint-Based Football”  is the 6th course of an ambitious “Feed the Cats” course created by Tony Holler.

Feed the Cats is a revolutionary way of training, coaching, and teaching that values specificity, essentialism, performance, and love. After gaining a world-wide following in Track & Field, FTC has now gained a foothold in American football.

This is the first football course of the program. There’s almost three hours of detailed teaching. Many of Holler’s idea’s challenge tradition and mainstream thought. The instruction connects simply and directly. With 39 years of coaching and teaching experience, Coach Holler has found ways to connect with his audience without the sophisticated complexity of most presenters.


Follow Tony Holler on Twitter… @pntrack


The Process
1 Feed the Cats 2:57 2 Feed the Cats Programming 1:39 3 4x1 Pissing Contest 3:00 4 The Problem With Loyal Assistants 0:40 5 Replicating the Process to Replicate the Magic 0:31 6 Process Addicts 0:39 7 The Rigged Game 1:00 8 Ballou and Rhea 0:45 9 Buckminister Fuller 0:26 10 Willing to be Different, Willing to be Wrong 0:48 11 Extreme Results vs Centrist Thinking 0:30
The Grind
12 The Grind is the Religion of Football 0:35 13 Slow-Footed Try-Hard Weight Room Grinders 1:18 14 McCaffrey's Take on the Grind 0:29 15 What Decathletes Can Teach Football Coaches 1:10 16 Vince Anderson's 14-Point Turnaround 1:37 17 If You Don't Grind, You Better Not Lose 2:26
The Art of War
18 Three Ways to Win a War 0:26 19 Power Grade = A+ (Too Much?) 0:37 20 Misdirection Grade = A+ (Too Much?) 0:44 21 Speed Grade = C- 1:40 22 Speed as the ONLY Priority 2:45 23 Training the Extreme Trains the Range 1:24 24 Gildersleeve: "Don't Forget to Lift" 1:04 25 Isaiah Simmons: Speed Amplifies Power 0:42 26 Jadeveon Clowney: Speed Amplifies Power 2:53 27 Tyreke Hill: Speed Amplifies Misdirection 1:35
The Aerobic Myth
28 Nebraska Knew it was a Myth Back in the 80s 2:24 29 4th Quarter Myth 1:52 30 The Three Tanks 1:33 31 Vintage Nebraska: ATP-PC 2:02 32 High School Football Work-Rest Data 1:01 33 NFL Football Work-Rest Data 1:51 34 Energy Systems Explained 2:49 35 Lactate War zone 0:30 36 Aerobic Work Creates Bad Sprint Habits 1:03 37 Any Fool Can Get Another Fool Tired 1:24 38 Why You Should Stop Doing Traditional Conditioning 4:31 39 Brian Kula: Stacking Anaerobic Work 1:36 40 The Myth of the Anaerobic Base 1:05 41 Keir Wenham-Flatt: FACTS 2:20 42 The Trick Question: "Who's in Better Shape?" 2:32
Prioritizing Speed
43 Too Many Priorities 1:14 44 Adam Thielen: One Priority 0:59 45 Christian McCaffrey: One Priority 0:52 46 Liam Kennedy: 21.7 mph to 23.1 mph in Three Months 1:42 47 Two Fastest Teams in NFL: Super Bowl 1:19 48 Foundation of Rest, Recover, and Sleep 0:59 49 "Nito O Ou Omo Wa Itto O Mo Ezu" 0:37 50 Kapri Bibbs: Case Study 2:49 51 Speed Grows Like a Tree 1:01 52 Craig James: Don't Let Them Take Away Your Speed 1:45
Speed Reserve and Sprint Capacity
53 Train at 100 mph and 80 mph Feels Easy 0:49 54 Speed Creates Endurance 0:57 55 Endurance Never Creates Speed 1:04 56 Sprint Capacity Does Not Improve Speed 1:37 57 High School with 32 Guys Sub 4.60 in the 40? 1:41 58 Fast Guys are Fast in the 4th Quarter 1:35 59 Fresh in the 4th Quarter? 1:04
The Four Seasons
60 Winter: Speed and Power 4:03 61 Spring: Track and Field 0:28 62 Summer: Speed, Power, and Misdirection 2:45
The Fall Season
63 Homesis: Accept Small Wins 5:41 64 Bowerman: High-Low 1:54 65 Weekly Plan (A and B) 3:32 66 What is a Performance Day? 3:52 67 Ancient Wisdom From Nebraska 2:39 68 Ten Things Nebraska Got Right 35 Years Ago 4:43 69 Allow Games to be the Hardest Thing You Do 1:39
Big Cats
70 Big Cats Should be Speed Trained 1:16 71 Big Cats Should be Encouraged to be Multisport Athletes 2:26 72 Speed is the Fountain of Youth; Slow Doesn't Age Well 1:24 73 What if a Lineman is Too Short, Too Fat, and Too Slow? 2:23
The Football-Track Connection
74 Rare is the College Football Player Who Didn't Run Track 1:39 75 Neanderthals: "Track Speed is not the Same as Football Speed" 2:01 76 Edwardsville HS: The Perfect Marriage of Football and Track 4:05 77 Nick Chubb 0:44
The Bullshit
78 Modern Nebraska: Paramilitary Ops 2:59 79 No Pain, No Gain? 0:40 80 A Slap in the Face 1:10 81 Physical Punishment 1:53 82 Toughness is Task Specific 1:24 83 Creating Toughness? 1:02 84 "Pain is My Gift from the Gods of War" 1:37 85 Cats are not Soft 0:21 86 Sophisticated Complexity 2:45 87 Stop Doing Dumb Stuff in Practice 1:10
Dumb vs Dumber
88 Failure to Attract Talent Gets You Beat 1:55 89 Turnovers Get You Beat 0:14 90 Penalties Get You Beat 0:18 91 Stupidity Gets You Beat 0:21 92 Injuries Get You Beat 1:08 93 Big Plays Get You Beat 1:42
FTC Coaches
94 Too Much Film 0:57 95 Sleep and Herm Edwards 2:06 96 No Sleep Makes You Fat and Stupid 1:14 97 Happy & Healthy 0:49 98 Don't Be a Hypocrite 1:36 99 Never Wish Away A Season 1:44 100 The Wrap Up 2:05 101 Feed The Cats 306 Quiz 102 Resources

The Coach


Tony Holler

Head track coach at Plainfield North High School. 42 years experience coaching football, basketball, and track. Member of Illinois Track & Field Hall of Fame and Co-director of Track Football Consortium with Chris Korfist


  • Head Boy's Track & Field at Plainfield North High School (IL)
  • Retired Chemistry Teacher
  • Public Speaker
  • Writer for FreelapUSA, SimpliFaster, & ITCCCA
  • Creator and Owner of "Feed the Cats"
  • Co-Owner of Track Football Consortium
  • Certified Teacher of Reflexive Performance Reset

Ratings and Reviews (15)

Tim Harper

I think that you are exactly right, we don't lose games because of conditioning and or fatigue.

Feb 12, 21 04:59 PM

olivier nemery

great view on the the FTC in Football miss some exemples

Apr 25, 21 09:15 AM

Joshua Wright

Very informative resource to figure out why your team is injury plagued, slow, and exhausted in the 4th quarter.

Feb 4, 22 08:12 AM

Kenny Simpson

Great job by Coach Holler

Mar 14, 22 07:02 AM

Irvin Sigler

Total shift in paradigms - just an outstanding viewpoint used to question what/why/how we practice and prepare.

Mar 16, 22 05:22 AM

I enjoyed the course.

Mar 17, 22 10:10 AM

Scott Mitchell

Great info. Too many football coaches out there that are still ignoring this type of information.

Jun 20, 22 04:38 PM

Julio Ventura


Jan 11, 23 06:26 AM

Heath Harding

I love the unconventional approach backed by logic and data. If more teams adopted this the game of football would change forever.

Oct 17, 23 07:11 AM

Richard St Pierre

Thoroughly enjoyed, not complicated, rinse (recover) and repeat...

Dec 20, 23 11:23 AM

Salvador Esquivel

If a tree grows to its full potential; why do we as humans resist and place limitations on ourselves. Be Stronger Than our Excuses! -Coach Sal (FNF)

Dec 24, 23 05:39 AM

Coachtdavid David

Great information about another way to do things outside of the accepted norm.

Jan 4, 24 11:50 AM

Nicholas Johnson

Great course, this course has really made me double down even more on speed and in general eliminate any running that is over 6 seconds for conditioning.

Jun 2, 24 10:07 AM

Chris Willertz

Great stuff!

Dec 31, 24 03:40 PM

Derek Jarrell

I've always kind of felt like this was the way to do things but this perfectly lays out why it is the way.

Jan 31, 25 11:42 AM

This Course Includes

24 hours on-demand video
Streaming from mobile and TV
Lifetime access
Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (15)
Caterory: Football/Speed & Agility
Bookings: 1155
Videos: 100