
O-Line Dominance-Coaching Edition: Module 1 -Fundamental Mastery

by Chris Bober
O-Line Dominance-Coaching Edition: Module 1 -Fundamental Mastery


Offensive Line Dominance: Coaching Edition. This is Module 1 of a 4 part series. Fundamental Mastery of Offensive Line Play is the outline and basic fundamentals of my Offensive Line Principles. Playing Offensive Line for 19 seasons including 8 years in the NFL (4 seasons each for NY Giants & KC Chiefs) I leaned from some of the best coaches ever.  I played with and against Hall of Fame players who taugtht me to succeed at the highest level. After retiring I realized very few coaches understand the basic fundamentals of Offensive Line play.  In this series I lay out foundational principles that apply to Offensive Linemen at every level.  This module focuses on the basics of playing in a football position, mastering eye disclipline, and understanding leverage as Building Blocks for O-Line success.  I teach how to get into a proper stance and outline how to strike for every situation. I also teach how to break every play into phases to be taught with a progressive style of coaching. 

This Course Includes

24 hours on-demand video
Streaming from mobile and TV
Lifetime access
Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (0)
Caterory: Football/Offensive Line
Videos: 18