
Triphasic Tactical Training Manual

by Cal Dietz
Triphasic Tactical Training Manual


The Triphasic Tactical Training Manual was written with the explicit intent to deliver a systematic and scientifically founded approach in training methodology for athletes whose preparation does not result in wins and losses, world records, or gold medals. The idea behind the Triphasic Tactical Training Manual was originated from the individual needs of the tactical athlete and all those who put their lives at risk simply by going to work each day.

The authors of this manual have broken down the needs of every tactical athlete into six physical qualities. In order to display the physical proficiency required by the tactical athlete, each of these six qualities must be trained appropriately. What separates this training program from others is that it allows tactical athletes to continue to train with their desired methods while offering guidelines that increase the likelihood of the user to achieve optimal level responses to training and see improvements in performance.

The Weekly Sequencing Model was developed by multiple strength coaches along with an elite level military training professional for operators who based the protocol originally on The Triphasic Training System while also considering the specific needs of the tactical athlete. Programs currently being used for military training are not equipping these specialized tactical athletes appropriately, which leads to a disproportionate training of the six physical qualities necessary for optimal performance.

It was this simple point that led to the creation of The Weekly Sequencing Model. This manual is a collaboration between combat veterans who have said “we can do this better” and the training professionals who said, “we can help.” Experience has teamed up with science to present this complete, systematic training program for the tactical athlete. The Weekly Sequencing model isn’t just exercising; it is training, specifically and systematically for the tactical athlete.

This book is for the tactical athlete and those that dedicate their lives to maintaining high-performance levels to maintain the freedoms of others. In the tactical arena, less than ideal performance can have grave consequences. One step too slow, one moment too long, and the defeated does not receive a silver medal and a warm handshake.

Chapters included in this book:

  1. The Tactical Athlete vs. Conventional Athletes
  2. The Weekly Sequencing Model Components
  3. Six Physical Qualities of Tactical Performance
  4. Triphasic Review and Weekly Sequencing Model Implementation
  5. Modifying The Weekly Sequencing Model

New Components included in this book:

  1. The Six Physical Qualities of Tactical Performance
  2. The Weekly Sequencing Model
  3. The Specific Stress Model
  4. The Compatible Qualities Model
  5. High-Quality vs. Work Capacity Energy System Training


1 Preface 2 Triphasic Tactical Training Manual Part 1 3 Triphasic Tactical Training Manual Part 2 4 Ch1-The tactical Athlete vs Conventional Athletes 5 Ch2-The Weekly Sequencing Model Components 6 Ch3-Six Physical Qualities of Tactical Performance 7 Ch4-Triphasic Review and Weekly Sequencing Model Implementation 8 Ch5-Modifying the Weekly Sequencing Model 9 An Untraining Story 5:27
10 Triphasic Tactical Software Powered by Sorinex 11 Triphasic Tactical Program Builder User Video Part 1 12 Triphasic Tactical Program Builder User Video Part 2 13 Triphasic Tactical Program Builder User Video Part 3 14 Triphasic Tactical Program Builder User Video Part 4 15 Triphasic Training Spring Model Tissue Concepts 16 Special Training Considerations for Strength, Specificity, and Energy Systems for Year-Long Planning 17 Ankle Rocker in Sport Part 1 18 Ankle Rocker in Sport part 2 19 Hip Extension - Glute Pattern Dysfunction 14:59 20 Rpr Glute Pattern Testing for Hip extension 21 Triphasic Training Bioenergetics Integration Dynamics Method Part 1 22 Triphasic Training Bioenergetics Integration Dynamics Method Part 2 23 Triphasic Training Bioenergetics Integration Dynamics Method Part 3 24 Triphasic Training Bioenergetics Integration Dynamics Method Part 4 25 Triphasic Training Super Method NEURAL PERPLEXITY 26 Transfer of Speed Performance Presentation cal dietz Video Part 1 27 Block Method Progression in the Transfer of Speed Performance Part 2 28 OVERVIEW - Triphasic Lacrosse Training Manual 29 Triphasic Lacrosse Training Guide 30 Triphasic Training System Aerobic Training Concepts Part 1 31 Triphasic Training System Aerobic Training Concepts Part 2 32 Triphasic Training System Aerobic Training Concepts Part 3 33 Supra Maximal Eccentric 34 Lactate Retention Method Triphasic Training Super Method 9:58 35 Triphasic Fast Twitch Repeated Sprint Ability RSA Sequencing Method Part 1 14:53 36 Triphasic Fast Twitch Repeated Sprint Ability RSA Sequencing Method Part 2 15:07 37 Triphasic Fast Twitch Repeated Sprint Ability RSA Sequencing Method Part 3 10:03 38 Optimal Off Season Speed and Conditioning Guidelines for Sprinting Sports 10:53 39 Triphasic Download Deload Light Week Method Part 1 40 Triphasic Download Deload Light Week Method Part 2
Bonus Content
41 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Bench Abduction Concentric 42 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Bench Abduction Reactive OC D 43 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Bench Adduction Reactive OC D 44 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Bench Press Below 80 45 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Bench Press Concentric 46 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Bench Press Eccentric 47 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Bench Press Isometric 48 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Board Bench Press 49 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Chin Up Bottom Half 50 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Bent Over Row Below 80 OC D + 1 51 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Bent Over Row Concentric 52 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Bent Over Row Eccentric 53 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Bent Over Row Isometric 54 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Incline Press Below 80 OC D + 1 55 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Incline Press Below 80 Reps Speed 56 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Incline Press Concentric 57 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Incline Press Eccentric 58 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Incline Press Isometric 59 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Psoas Single Leg Squat Below 80 OC D + 1 60 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Psoas Single Leg Squat Concentric 61 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Psoas Single Leg Squat Eccentric 62 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Psoas Single Leg Squat Isometric 63 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Shoulder Press Below 80 OC D + 1 64 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Shoulder Press Concentric 65 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Shoulder Press Eccentric 66 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Shoulder Press Isometric 67 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Split Squat Below 80 OC D +1 68 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Split Squat Below 80 Reps 69 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Split Squat Concentric 70 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Split Squat Isometric 71 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Step Up Bottom Half 72 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Step Up 73 Triphasic Training Coaching Points DB Walking Lunge 74 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Delt Bent Over Lateral Reactive Drop 1 75 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Delt OH Bent Over Reactive Drops 76 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Dips Below 80 OC D + 1 77 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Dips Concentric 78 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Drop Jumps 79 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Glute Ham Bar Lift Below 80 80 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Glute Ham Bar Lift Concentric 81 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Glute Ham Bar Lift Eccentric 82 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Glute Ham Bar Lift Isometric 83 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Glute Ham Hyper Incline 84 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Glute Ham Hyper 85 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Hex Deadlift Reactive 86 Triphasic Ranged Plyometric Method Part 1 Intro 87 Triphasic Ranged Plyometric Method Part 2 Intro 88 Triphasic Ranged Plyometric Method Part 10 French Contrast and potentiation Cluster 89 Replacing Olympic Lifts A More Sport Specific lift for Sport 90 Triphasic Training System Aerobic Training Concepts Part 3.5 - Elite Coaches forum intro 91 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Hip Flexor Prone Eccentric 92 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Hip Flexor Prone Isometric 93 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Hip Flexor Prone Reactice OC D 94 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Med Ball Chest Pass 95 Triphasic Training Coaching Points One Speed Development BW 96 Triphasic Training Coaching Points One Speed Development Trap Bar 97 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Partner Bench Abduction Eccentric 98 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Partner Bench Abduction Isometric 99 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Pull Up Bottom Half 100 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Pull Up Bottom Half 101 Triphasic Training Coaching Points RDL 102 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Shuffle Walks 103 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Single Leg Squat 104 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Speed Band Bench Press Concentric Below 80 Phases 105 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Speed Band Bench Press Eccentric Isometric Phases 106 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Sport Back Squat Below 80 107 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Stair Walks 108 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Three Speed Development BW 109 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Three Speed Development Trap Bar 110 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Toes Up 111 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Two Speed Development BW 112 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Two Speed Development Trap Bar 113 Triphasic Training Coaching Points Wipers 114 Triphasic Training 13 training Zones Loading Parameters and Guidelines 115 Limitations with plyometrics and a fix-Reflexive Trimetric Method Part 1 of 5 116 Triphasic Tactical Workout Creator Single User Powered by Sorinex 117 Performance Pattern Cycling for Athletes Part 1 6:12 118 Performance Pattern Cycling for Athletes Part 2 6:05 119 Performance Pattern Cycling for Athletes Part 3 5:30 120 The Goat Performance Drill - Raise Your Performance Ceiling 121 The Goat Performance Drill - Part 2 - Advanced 3 Ring Method 122 Elite Strength and Conditioning Programs 123 The Goat Performance Drill Part 3: Team Setting Updates and Review

The Coach


Cal Dietz

Strength and Human Performance Coach, Sport Science Consultant


Cal Dietz

Cal Dietz has been an Olympic Sport Strength and Conditioning coach for numerous sports at the University of Minnesota since 2000. During his tenure, Dietz has trained athletes that have achieved 540+ All-American honors, 10 NCAA Team National Champions, Teams that have won 33 Big Ten/WCHA championships teams, 29 Big Ten/WCHA Conference tournaments, 21 NCAA Final Four appearances, He has consulted with Olympic and World Champions in various sports and professional athletes in the NHL, NFL, NBA, MLB,MMA and Professional Boxing.


“Coach” is currently training operators within the United States of America Military. He has chosen to remain anonymous for this reason but has contributed a great extent to the ideas presented in this manual. “Coach” has completed many years of revising and improving the Weekly Sequencing Model laid out in this manual with countless operators and tactical athletes. Few coaches have executed more hands-on training with operators on a daily basis than “Coach”.

Matt Van Dyke 

Matt Van Dyke is in his first year as an Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach at the University of Denver. Prior to his position with the University of Denver Matt was the Assistant Director of Strength and Conditioning for Olympic Sports at the University of Minnesota. Matt recently presented at the 2015 CSCCa National Conference on “Advanced Triphasic Training Methods” and is a co-author of "Triphasic Training, A High School Strength and Conditioning Manual" while also writing for his professional website Van Dyke was a member of the Iowa State Football Team for 4 years as a wide receiver where he also completed an internship under Yancy McKnight.

Ratings and Reviews (7)

Tim Kent

Great training with more content all the time.

Nov 30, 17 06:45 PM

Jarlem Nascimento Junior

Write a book focused on Special Forces, was indeed a great Idea. This programs allow Tactical Athletes to work at their full potential. Jarlem Personal trainer from Brazil.

Jan 8, 18 07:23 AM


This manual has prepared me well to build my training without wasting time and hit specific training qualities. Before this manual I would only hit work capacity and think I was hitting speed and strength. On my first cycle I was able to shave off about 30 secs of my mile time and I was only running very short sprints. You have to trust the system

May 27, 19 05:32 AM

David De Leon

Use currently with my men and women in active duty Army

Jun 16, 20 03:18 AM

Jonathan Moreau


Nov 22, 21 03:50 PM

Andrew Dower

Excellent book. As an undergrad student studying exercise science and a former collegiate ice-hockey player, this book was incredibly insightful. This book helped me dialogue better in the classroom and helped me get better in the weight room. Moreover, this book helped me realize how to effectively train aspects of my game in ways I never would have thought of. The combination of reading and video really helped to solidify the content.

Feb 25, 22 07:05 AM

Cody Frey

This is a great course with a ton of practical information.

Jul 4, 23 11:11 AM

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Course Info

Rating: (7)
Caterory: Health & Fitness/Strength Training
Bookings: 629
Videos: 10