
Mental Training for Golfers: 7 Steps to Confidence on the Golf Course

by Colt Olson
Mental Training for Golfers: 7 Steps to Confidence on the Golf Course


Welcome to the Iron Mind Program for Golfers! I'm excited that you're here and proud of you for taking the first step toward becoming a mentally tough golfer. Most golfers don't take the mental side of golf seriously until it's too late, but you aren't most golfers, you're ready to take your game to the next level. This course is full of information that is usually only given to golfers at the highest level, tools and strategies that the best golfers in the world use to compete at a high level consistently, maintain confidence on the golf course regardless of results, take control of their self-talk and battle negative thinking, perform their best under pressure, use their nerves as fuel for elite performance, and bounce back from bad shots and bad rounds quickly. I think it's time that these tools become available for golfers of all ages and skill levels. In this course you'll get a front row seat to the same lessons taught at the highest levels, and if you put the tools to work, you'll see your game improve drastically, your confidence, skyrocket, and you'll have a lot more fun playing golf, which is the most important part. Again, thank you for being here, let's start building an Iron Mind.

This Course Includes

24 hours on-demand video
Streaming from mobile and TV
Lifetime access
Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (0)
Caterory: Mental Training/Personal Development
Videos: 8
Tags: Confidence , Resilience , Enjoyment , Consistency , Anxiety