
Feed the Cats: Top Explosive Exercises that Increase Speed

by Tony Holler
Feed the Cats: Top Explosive Exercises that Increase Speed


“X-FACTOR” is the second course of an ambitious “Feed the Cats certification program created by Tony Holler.

Feed the Cats is a revolutionary way of training, coaching, and teaching that values specificity, essentialism, performance, and love. After gaining a world-wide following in Track & Field, FTC has now gained a foothold in American football.

“X-FACTOR” gives the background needed to adopt the “Do Less, Achieve More” fundamentals needed to understand minimalist sprint training. The goal of the course is to give the off-season athlete everything they need to begin to indirectly train speed. The direct way to train speed is the subject of the first course, “The Speed Workout”. The videos are simple, detailed, and reproducible. Workouts can be done solo. Athletes may find this course to be exactly what they are looking for and the perfect companion to “The Speed Workout”.

More courses are on the way!

Follow Tony Holler on Twitter… @pntrack


Feed The Cats 102
1 Introduction 0:51 2 Feed the Cats Approach 2:24 3 100m Illinois State Record 1:18 4 Never Let Today Ruin Tomorrow 0:53
Three Speed Days/Week
5 Sprint Workout 1:56 6 Offseason Programming 0:37 7 Speed and X-Factor Programming 2:30 8 X-Factor Days 6:16
Jumps and Bounds
9 Centerpiece of X-Factor Work 0:32 10 Pogo Jumps 1:25 11 Star Jumps 0:51 12 Assisted Plyos 0:47 13 Lateral Assisted Plyos 1:23 14 Box Jumps 0:57 15 Box Jumps: Double & Single Leg 1:41 16 Speed & Power Bounds 0:56 17 Observing 1:56 18 6 Bounds - 53' 1:24 19 Measured Bounds: 5x Single Leg - 46' 0:56 20 Bound & Stick 1:36 21 Upward Bounding 1:28 22 Measured & Competitive SLJ 1:11 23 Diagonal Bounds 1:02 24 Bounding High Hands 1:14
25 Long Lunge 0:51 26 Rocket Lunge 0:31 27 Lunge Pop-Ups 0:37 28 Reverse Lunge 0:38 29 Extreme Iso Lunge 1:41 30 Russian Lunges 2:02
31 Boom Boom Booms 0:51 32 Boom Booms 0:24 33 Booms 0:14 34 Boom-Boom-Booms 0:13 35 Oscillatory Booms 1:10 36 Boom-Wicket Hybrids 1:07
37 (Upright) 6' & 6" 1:53 38 (Down) Full Arms 2:17 39 Hands High 1:24 40 Airplane 0:16 41 Pistol 0:44 42 Hugs 0:11 43 Raise the Roof 0:09 44 Full Arms 1:10 45 Mechanics 2:16 46 Flat Wickets Spiked Up 6' 0:57 47 Timed Wickets 1:07 48 Competition Wickets 6' 0:23 49 Competition Wickets on Turf 5' 1:00
Hip Mobility
50 Overs and Unders 0:58 51 Leg Swings - Fast and High 1:36 52 Leg Swings 0:43
53 Block Starts 2:23
Bleacher Drills
54 Depth Jumps 1:55 55 Bosch Drills 2:41 56 Step Ups 1:53 57 Cat Jumps 3:36
Be Innovative
58 X-Factor Days 8:23 59 Feed The Cats 102 Quiz 60 Overview of Completion 2:26
Extra Material
61 Can Your Kid Sprint? 62 What Does Your Practice Look Like? 63 Record, Rank, & Publish: 8 Weeks of Alactic Training

The Coach


Tony Holler

Head track coach at Plainfield North High School. 42 years experience coaching football, basketball, and track. Member of Illinois Track & Field Hall of Fame and Co-director of Track Football Consortium with Chris Korfist


  • Head Boy's Track & Field at Plainfield North High School (IL)
  • Retired Chemistry Teacher
  • Public Speaker
  • Writer for FreelapUSA, SimpliFaster, & ITCCCA
  • Creator and Owner of "Feed the Cats"
  • Co-Owner of Track Football Consortium
  • Certified Teacher of Reflexive Performance Reset

Ratings and Reviews (23)

Terrence Staples Sr.

This is great, I am glad I purchased this course!

Oct 18, 20 04:42 PM

Victor Taylor

Excellent course. Many practical insights. Easy to follow, logical and well put together.

Dec 25, 20 01:27 PM

Brad Cooley

Great course!

Jan 10, 21 01:05 PM

Johnny Peterson

👍🏾 great

Jan 18, 21 10:38 AM

Jake Sorg

Very thorough and informative.

Jan 18, 21 06:06 PM


Fantastic course! I implemented the "Feed the Cats" program with our girls varsity soccer team over the summer. I was amazed at the results the ladies had with their 40 yard timed sprints. Our fastest athlete going into the season took .31 off her 40 and our most improved took a full second off her 40! This course details the X-Factor training. The techniques and drills are great for explosive strength. This a great program if your athletes do not have a lot of equipment, space or if you're in an area where you can't train sprints until later in the season due to snow & ice. I highly recommend this program if you're looking to improve speed, agility, and proper technique for your athletes. Your athletes will be faster, stronger and have more fun during practice.

Feb 1, 21 08:27 PM

Tim Harper

Great information that is relevant and easy to implement in my program.

Feb 12, 21 04:55 PM

Christopher Stevenson

To enhance my knowledge of speed and sprinting for a multitude of sports, specifically to use with the youth teams I coach now and hopefully High School team in the future.

Feb 19, 21 07:52 PM

Patrick Coughlin

I’m learning so much!

Feb 28, 21 02:35 AM

Sunny Huynh

really informative, amazing

Apr 3, 21 01:17 PM

Colby Webb

Incredible course, great explanations for the exercises

Mar 31, 21 11:59 AM

olivier nemery

great program

Apr 18, 21 03:41 PM


Loaded with content and clear explanations of how and why.

May 2, 21 04:19 AM

Tom Cunningham

Great information and insightful explanations. Focusing on maximum velocity improves all areas of athleticism.

Aug 18, 21 07:08 PM

Usman Khan

excellent resource

Nov 30, 21 07:08 AM

Cheyenne Castillo

loved the plyos and seeing what they practically look like!

Dec 21, 21 09:05 AM

Irvin Sigler

More great stuff. The message is clear, concise and methodical. There is one way to get faster - and Tony has nailed it.

Mar 17, 22 08:30 AM

AJ Grezenko

Very well done and organized

May 26, 22 10:36 AM

Brandon Krusey

love the explanations and organziation

Jun 6, 22 09:18 AM


Dec 7, 22 12:05 PM

Garth Rushforth

Lots of good information and a change of tradition mind set of coaches.

Feb 20, 23 01:48 PM

Chris Willertz

Great stuff!

Dec 31, 24 03:40 PM

Alex Daubon

Well thought out!

Jan 30, 25 01:58 PM

This Course Includes

24 hours on-demand video
Streaming from mobile and TV
Lifetime access
Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (23)
Caterory: Track and Field/Sprinting
Bookings: 1707
Videos: 59