
Feed the Cats: Rocket Fuel for Sprinters ft. Coach Kyle Edwards

by Tony Holler
Feed the Cats: Rocket Fuel for Sprinters ft. Coach Kyle Edwards


“ROCKET FUEL FOR SPRINTERS” is the seventh course of an ambitious Feed the Cats Certification Program created by Tony Holler.

Feed the Cats is a revolutionary way of training, coaching, and teaching that values specificity, essentialism, performance, and love. After gaining a world-wide following in Track & Field, FTC has now gained a foothold in American football.

“ROCKET FUEL FOR SPRINTERS” is the first FTC course from a guest presenter, Coach Kyle Edwards. One of the most important features of Feed the Cats is the world-wide network of coaches who have bought into the idea of prioritizing speed and explosiveness while de-empathizing conditioning, toughness, and high volume workouts. The focus on well-rested, happy, and healthy athletes is truly a departure from the grind of the traditional approach.

“ROCKET FUEL FOR SPRINTERS” gives the background needed to adopt the “Do Less, Achieve More” fundamentals needed to understand minimalist sprint training. The goal of the course is to give the off-season athlete everything they need to begin to indirectly train speed. The direct way to train speed is the subject of the first course, “The Speed Workout”.

Coach Kyle Edwards adds “rocket fuel” to the X-Factor catalog found in the second most popular course in the series, “FTC-102 X-Factor”. X-Factor includes drills and exercises that athletes should do when they are not sprinting (only sprint three times a week). Since X-Factor work is creative and changes from workout to workout, FTC coaches are always looking for new things to do and Coach Kyle delivers!

Along with “FTC-102 X-Factor”, “ROCKET FUEL FOR SPRINTERS” is a must for coaches heading into winter training. Nothing you will see on these videos requires a track. Everything can be done in a hallway, gymnasium, or any open space you can find.

More courses are on the way!

Follow Tony Holler on Twitter… @pntrack

Follow Kyle Edwards on Twitter… @kyle_edwards32


The Coach


Tony Holler

Head track coach at Plainfield North High School. 42 years experience coaching football, basketball, and track. Member of Illinois Track & Field Hall of Fame and Co-director of Track Football Consortium with Chris Korfist


  • Head Boy's Track & Field at Plainfield North High School (IL)
  • Retired Chemistry Teacher
  • Public Speaker
  • Writer for FreelapUSA, SimpliFaster, & ITCCCA
  • Creator and Owner of "Feed the Cats"
  • Co-Owner of Track Football Consortium
  • Certified Teacher of Reflexive Performance Reset

Ratings and Reviews (16)

Patrick Baker

Great new drills with a new take on Coach Holler's x-factor drills. Excited to implement!

Nov 4, 20 04:18 PM

Sam Terrell

Great course on the variation of the different drills needed for the x factors and the emphasis on form.

Jan 12, 21 11:10 AM

Johnny Peterson


Jan 21, 21 10:33 PM

Tim Harper

Coach Edwards and Coach Holler did an outstanding job once again.

Feb 15, 21 05:02 PM

Sunny Huynh

fantastic, shows you how you can "cook"/"build a house" or in other words be creative!

Apr 5, 21 10:01 AM

Blaine Pederson

Great creativity. Thanks Coach Kyle.

Apr 7, 21 01:12 PM

olivier nemery

a lot of stuff to use in practice i will want to see coach holler do some boom boom :)

Apr 25, 21 09:26 AM

Jordan Siebenaller

It's always great getting more and great variety of exercises and drills for sprinters. Thanks for putting this together.

Sep 30, 21 04:15 AM

Derek Shore

As usual, Tony produces top-notch material and identifies top-notch talent in Kyle Edwards. I would recommend this video to any aspiring track coach.

Dec 31, 21 11:54 AM

Irvin Sigler

Very good drill work - I like to concise coaching points for each drill. Great demonstrations - I can show kids then take them out to do perform the drills.

Mar 14, 22 05:36 AM

Arturo Meza

I enjoyed the videos w/CP's for each exercise. I love the way that the information is presented. Here are tools for the tool box and be creative with what you want to focus on.

Jun 4, 22 12:18 PM

Shayne Thornton

Loved the exercises and demonstrations. I would like to have been given more information about how the exercises are scheduled into practice.

Jan 23, 23 12:42 PM

Nikolaos Florakis

Excellent stuff. Love the ideas and most importantly how coach Edwards organised the material under the Force Absorption/Outpout/ & Techinical Issues. Looking forward to work on this

Feb 6, 23 02:17 AM

Garth Rushforth

I absolutely loved this course and the variety of items it possesses. I am excited to add some of these to what we already do in our program.

Feb 28, 23 10:52 AM

Doug Strautman

I have found the Xfactor drills to be critical components to our prep days for sprint flys. The kids have a lot fun ... I let them name the drills

Nov 26, 23 07:04 AM

Coachtdavid David

Great presentation of drills you can use to train the skills needed to improve speed on your days off.

Jan 5, 24 01:08 PM

This Course Includes

24 hours on-demand video
Streaming from mobile and TV
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Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (16)
Caterory: Track and Field/Sprinting
Bookings: 1006
Videos: 28