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Craig Hanson


Craig Hanson
Professional Golf Instructor
I grew up playing golf in Australia and played professionally on the tour for over 8 years. I won 14 professional tournaments and have played professional golf throughout the world. I have played several times in the Australian Open the Australian PGA Championship and Australian Masters Championships and have had several top 3 finishes in State Professional Open Championships. I have been fortunate enough to meet and play with and teach some of the great players in world golf.

I have given over 30,000 lessons, learnt to speak fluent German. And have worked and taught throughout the world. Through the combination of my relentless self-study and the information that has been bestowed upon me from the many of the best players and coaches in the business. You can relax in the knowledge that you are receiving the best information. The secret of improvement lies in the application of great information. Join me on the journey to better golf and reaching your potential.

Yours sincerely
Craig Hanson