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Dr. Yessis

Founder of Sports Training, Inc, Professor Emeritus at Cal State


Dr. Michael Yessis received his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California and his B.S. and M.S. from City University of New York. He is president of Sports Training, Inc., a diverse sports and fitness company. Dr. Yessis is also Professor Emeritus at California State University, Fullerton.

Dr. Yessis has served as training and technique consultant to several Olympic and professional teams. He is considered an authority in technique analysis and enhancement and the creation and application of specialized strength exercises to develop and improve physical abilities and sprinting is a leader in sprint analysis and enhancement with specialized strength exercises.

Dr. Yessis has written 17 books in the sports and fitness field including Biomechanics and Kinesiology of Exercise, Build A Better Athlete, Explosive Running, and his latest, The Revolutionary 1x20RM Strength Training Program.

He is a contributor to Football Gridiron and has written more than 2,500 articles on fitness and sports training that have appeared in magazines such as Muscle & Fitness, Shape, Scholastic Coach, Fitness Management, National Strength and Conditioning Association Journal, Track and Field Coaches Review, Peak Performance, Running Times.