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Tristan Boyd


My name is Tristan Boyd. I am a professional beach Volleyball coach. These days I am lucky enough to be coaching an amazingly talented Austrian beach volleyball team; Huber/Seidl. As a professional beach volleyball player myself I was not a huge success. But while I never made a good living from beach volleyball, for one season I had the most lucrative beach volleyball sponsorship deal in Australia. I never managed to qualify for a World tour main draw, but came within a few points (losing in the final round to Blanton/ Fonoimoana a few months before they won a gold medal in Sydney). I have never been a beach volleyball National Champion but I have won a couple of National tour events and have finished seasons in 2nd and 3rd positions in two different countries, and most importantly, I have had a lot of fun, I have learnt a lot along the way,…. and it’s not over yet