One of the most dynamic and effective offenses that is currently terrorizing defenses at the collegiate level: Jamie Munro breaks it all down in an easy-to-follow way. Whether it's breaking down effective mirror movements, properly explaining how to hangup the x defender on the crease, looking at different pick strategies, or even breaking down general movements, Munro does it all.
PLUS he even shares drills that are easy to implement at any level to help pass on this high-caliber offensive knowledge to players of all ages. If you want to elevate your offense to the next level, you NEED to see how Munro breaks it down.
Included in this package:
- Mirroring strategies and analysis
- Hangup details and analysis
- Various offensive sets and how to implement them
- A PLETHORA of different pick plays analysis
- Plenty of passing in tight space drills
- Different pick drills
- 3v3, 2v2, 1v1 and 4v4 drills
People think that the 2-man game happens on-ball. Munro, an elite lacrosse expert, would say otherwise. Here he breaks down all that goes into getting an offensive player open off-ball. There are a variety of off-ball screens that can be implemented to increase offensive efficiency.
Munro delves into each one with great detail. These skills and concepts can be implemented into any level of lacrosse as he shows through various examples. Furthermore, he makes the information incredibly accessible and easy to comprehend. The biggest threat is the one you fail to recognize right away. Take advantage of that and take this course.
Included in the package:
- Reasons for success
- How to avoid a moving pick
- Off-ball Seal Pick breakdown and analysis
- Backup picks
- Nations drills
- Pocket passing
- Much More
Everyone learned about the 2-man game when they were younger, but you were doing it WRONG. Until Jamie Munro came along and shared his unique insights on how to properly use it. Here he provides compelling reasons for it with supporting analytics and he breaks down multiple concepts in great detail. Jamie emphasizes the power of body language and how to best take advantage of a given situation. Here one can learn about how powerful and effective a pick or slip really can be. He shares multiple game-changing techniques and proves how invaluable his insights are in elevating your team's game.
Included in this package:
- The power of body language and how to properly use it
- Lacrosse analytics information
- Different Pick techniques
- How to respond to defensive adjustments
- The power of the hesitation
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