
Special Olympics Certification Course: Principles of Coaching

by Special Olympics
Special Olympics Certification Course: Principles of Coaching


This is a self-guided course.

Some Lessons (slides) will include narration. You can use the “Pause” button to stop the narration if you need additional time to review the Lesson content. Those Lessons without narration are for you to read at your pace. Use the “Previous” to navigate back to earlier Lessons and “Next” button to move forward to the next Lesson.

The Principles of Coaching course details the application of coaching identity, responsibility, and strategy within Special Olympics by providing foundation knowledge related to both coaching and disabilities. This course will prepare coaches to:

  • Develop a coaching philosophy
  • Build a successful team and sport program
  • Enhance athlete confidence and motivation
  • Teach sports skills
  • Implement fitness and nutrition strategies
  • Provide a safe sport environment

If you have any questions regarding the Principles of Coaching course please email Scott at sweaver@specialolympics.org


1 Welcome 0:12 2 Acknowledgments 0:15 3 Celebrating 50 Years 0:17 4 50th Anniversary ESPN essay 2018 USA Games 2:53 5 Rationale for the Course 6 Course Objectives 7 POC Coach Manual 0:10 8 POC Coaches Manual 9 Course Modules 0:32 10 Quick Check
Module 1: Coaching Perspective & Approach
11 Coaching Perspective & Approach Objective 0:16 12 Mission of Special Olympics 0:24 13 Coach Role & Responsibilities 0:18 14 Coach Job Description 15 Coach Responsibility #1 0:20 16 Coach Responsibility #2 0:14 17 Sports Rules - Article 1 18 Quick Check 19 Coach Responsibility #3 0:30 20 Coach Style 0:15 21 2 MINUTE DRILL: Coach/Leadership Style 22 Coach Philosophy 0:25 23 2 MINUTE DRILL: Coach Philosophy 0:17 24 Athlete-Centered Coach Philosophy 0:15 25 2 MINUTE DRILL: My Philosophy 0:22 26 Athlete Development 0:33 27 Success and Sport Outcomes 0:19 28 Measuring Success 0:08 29 2 MINUTE DRILL: Measuring Success 30 Strategies for Dealing with Sport Outcomes 0:24 31 Sport Integrity 0:13 32 Sport Integrity - What can you do? 0:19 33 Sport Integrity & Rules 0:08 34 Sport Integrity 0:10 35 2 MINUTE DRILL: Sport Integrity 36 Off to a Great Start! 0:07 37 Module 1 Checkpoint
Module 2: Team Management & Training
38 Team Management and Training Objective 0:11 39 Optimizing Organization: Team Management 40 Delegate Responsibilities 0:13 41 The Coaching Team Season Planning 42 EXAMPLE: Tasks to Complete 0:16 43 Pre-Season Meeting 44 EXAMPLE: Pre-Season Agenda 0:18 45 Family Engagement 0:22 46 Strategies for Healthy Coach-Family Communication 0:11 47 Information to Collect from Families 0:19 48 Team Support Chart 49 Recruiting Assistant Coaches 0:18 50 Recruitment 0:48 51 Where to Recruit? 0:27 52 Recruitment Tools 1:02 53 EXAMPLE: VolunteerMatch.org 0:42 54 Practice Management 0:25 55 Test Your Practice Management 0:25 56 2 MINUTE DRILL: Test Your Practice Management 57 Practice Management Strategies 0:16 58 Practice Planning 59 Practice Plan Content 0:18 60 Sample Practice Plan 0:25 61 Updating Your Practices 1:01 62 Your “New” Practice Approach 0:18 63 Budgeting 0:12 64 SAMPLE: Season Budget 0:42 65 Looking Good! 0:04 66 Module 2 Checkpoint
Module 3: Athlete-Centered Coaching
67 Athlete-Centered Coaching Objective 0:10 68 Sources of Motivation 0:09 69 Motivators 0:09 70 2 MINTUE DRILL: Motivators 71 Goals for Training 0:30 72 EXAMPLE: Goal Setting 0:22 73 Effective Communication 0:08 74 Verbal Communication Strategies 75 Visual Communication Strategies 0:27 76 Kinesthetic Communication Strategies 0:08 77 Tips for Successful Communication 0:30 78 Levels of Instruction 1:00 79 Athlete Behaviors and Characteristics 80 Strategy to Improve Learning 0:12 81 2 MINUTE DRILL: Strategy to Improve Learning 82 Halfway There! 0:12 83 Quick Reference Coaching Guide 84 Module 3 Checkpoint
Module 4: Training Through Fitness and Nutrition
85 Training Through Fitness and Nutrition Objective 0:12 86 Fitness Keys 0:28 87 Exercise and Physical Activity 0:12 88 Nutrition 0:14 89 Hydration 0:27 90 Beyond Practice - Fit 5 0:25 91 FIT 5: Guide 92 FIT 5: Fitness Cards 93 Health & Fitness Resources 0:17 94 Healthy Habits at Home 0:15 95 The Finish Line is in Sight! 0:07 96 Module 4 Checkpoint
Module 5: Sports Safety & Risk Management
97 Sport Safety and Risk Management Objective 0:17 98 Risk Management 0:27 99 Duties of Care 0:28 100 Duties of Care - Preparation 0:14 101 Duties of Care - Action 0:19 102 Duties of Care - Maintenance 0:19 103 Case Study #1 0:19 104 2 MINUTE DRILL: Case Study #1 105 Case Study #2 0:21 106 2 MINUTE DRILL: Case Study #2 107 Priority #1 - Safety! 0:23 108 TOUCHDOWN! 0:09 109 Module 5 Checkpoint
Course Review and Test
110 Course Review 0:47 111 Test: Principles Of Coaching 112 Congratulations! 0:24 113 IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ

The Coach


Special Olympics

Creating a better world by fostering the acceptance and inclusion of all people


Special Olympics

Ratings and Reviews (36)

Donald Griffin

Lots of good info

Oct 20, 20 08:14 PM

Holly Huffman

I loved it alot

Oct 6, 20 08:37 PM

Michael D Miller

This is a course that everyone should be looking at. It was very useful and had many good lessons.

Nov 4, 20 11:53 PM

Lori Jaundoo

Great information

Dec 9, 20 07:48 AM

Renee Klovenski

Wonderful training, material and guides are a excellent tool for a coach to success and develop a stronger program for the athletes in which they serve. Great work for all which improved this training.

Jan 10, 21 12:49 PM

Jim Maler

Very thorough and informative.

Jan 15, 21 08:52 AM

NicolasColon Colon

I felt it was direct and easy to understand and follow

Feb 15, 21 11:23 PM

Laura Gillam

It was very informational!

Mar 3, 21 06:25 PM

Paige Kroupa

very hard and long

Apr 7, 21 04:22 PM

Paola Perez Ganem

Awesome course

May 3, 21 01:37 PM

Natalie Leon


Jun 10, 21 06:37 PM

Lucy Bejarano

Great review on coaching knowledge and skills.

Dec 29, 21 12:25 PM

La Shanda Shipp

It was very detailed and informative. I really like the job aids that we can use as quick reference.

Feb 14, 22 09:32 PM

Cynthia Hernandez

very informative

Mar 8, 22 11:19 AM

James Depaola

test at end not showing what areas need to be review even when using workbook. I have been coaching for 15 years softball, powerlifting, skiing,

Mar 20, 22 12:44 PM

Ivette Rodriguez


Apr 3, 22 08:51 PM

Alexandria Conroy

Very easy to follow along and understand this course material. This course also has a lot of downloadable guides with great information.

Jul 27, 22 05:03 PM

Ronald Manilla

Great course. Very valuable.

Sep 10, 22 08:50 AM

dominique luke


Jan 20, 23 09:45 AM

Renee Armstrong

very informative, very detailed.

Feb 22, 23 02:36 PM

Bonnie Wetmore

Very easy to follow.

Mar 2, 23 09:08 AM

Sally Nichols

someone needs to redo this training because it does not allow you to access it to learn, hear or take a test. It says I failed a test that I did not take.

May 5, 23 01:36 AM

Catherine Babbitt

I tried to go back and it kicked me out. I have not finished the course.

May 5, 23 06:49 PM

Angel Torres

Great course

Aug 27, 23 04:22 PM

David Shaulis

was very educational

Sep 19, 23 11:17 AM

Juan Arevalo

It was very informative and a lot of good learning tools.

Jan 20, 24 02:31 PM

Justin Briney

Great course but where do I get the member number????

Feb 22, 24 07:21 AM

Christopher Currin

Excellent combination of historical background and cutting edge concepts.

Mar 3, 24 03:03 PM

Lynnae Chaput

It was long but informational

Jun 4, 24 07:39 AM

Carolina Hernandez

Has a very good information

Jun 8, 24 06:51 AM

Melissa L. Housley

This course was a lot longer than 30 min

Aug 5, 24 11:15 PM

April Alexnder

i think the course needs to little mor information on the detention of some the words. that you expect ppl to know.

Sep 2, 24 11:57 AM

Marian Coach

great information

Nov 7, 24 10:27 PM

DiAnna Macklin

well done

Feb 4, 25 02:56 PM

Luis Lopez

great course.

Feb 21, 25 01:07 PM

Nichole Schlemmer

It had a lot of great information.

Mar 24, 25 04:13 PM

This Course Includes

24 hours on-demand video
Streaming from mobile and TV
Lifetime access
Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (36)
Caterory: Coach Development/Leadership and Coaching
Bookings: 3168
Videos: 81