
Personal Trainer's Guide to Raditional, Hybrid & Functional Fitness

by PT Academy
Personal Trainer's Guide to Raditional, Hybrid & Functional Fitness


We are a branch of PT Academy-Australia. PT Academy (NZ) is a Register Training Organization (RTO) that specializes in high quality innovative fitness education, including online and face to face training for Certificate III & IV in Fitness plus ongoing education (CEC's) for personal trainers.

This course demonstrates some fascia-based integrated movements which are three-dimensional, having have the body acting as a unit.


The Coach


PT Academy

Managing Director of PT Academy (New Zealand)


Join our global community of personal trainers and educators skilled in traditional training methods as well as modern functional movement. Designed exclusively by over 30 of the world’s biggest names in fitness, PTA’s qualifications give you the knowledge, systems, sciences, tools and confidence to be an elite personal trainer.

Just as fitness is more than bench presses and sit ups, so is personal training. Since 2006 Personal Training Academy has been spearheading a revolution in the fitness industry.

Gyms and fitness centers have evolved from weight machines and aerobics to include functional training zones, sports and athletic training, outdoor fitness, cross fit, boot camps and more to attract the ever growing demands of the consumer.

Only PTA goes beyond traditional training methods to extend your education into functional, integrated approaches to both health and human movement.

Check out our website for the full library of high quality fitness videos and take the next steps to making your Personal Training Academy qualification be the only choice for budding personal trainers hungry for the latest research and education in traditional, hybrid and functional fitness.

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This Course Includes

24 hours on-demand video
Streaming from mobile and TV
Lifetime access
Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (0)
Caterory: Health & Fitness/Sports Performance
Bookings: 109
Videos: 20