
You Are Your Own Gym

by Mark Lauren
You Are Your Own Gym


Use the body you have to build the body you want.

Lose the most fat. Gain the most strength. NO GYM OR EQUIPMENT REQUIRED. 9 quick workouts for all fitness levels.

Using nothing but your own body, a bit of floor space, and bodyweight exercises that engage many muscles at once, Mark Lauren, elite trainer of US Special Operations troops, as created short, incredibly convenient workouts that simultaneously build strength and endurance while burning fat long after their completion.

This course is broken up into 3 difficulties for Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced athletes. With three total-body workouts per level, each workout makes use of systematic changes in training intensity and volume to keep you challenged at just the right level, ensuring you the best body of your life, injury-free.


The Coach


Mark Lauren

International Bestselling Fitness Author & Physical Trainer


Mark Lauren is an international bestselling fitness author who has effectively prepared over 700 trainees for the extreme demands of the most elite levels of the U.S. Special Operations community. After winning several teen bodybuilding titles, Mark started his military career by being one of twelve to graduate the Pararescue/Combat Control Indoctrination Course, in a class that started over 100 trainees. As an experienced operator, during mission planning and execution of airfield seizures, combat search & rescue, close air support, and reconnaissance & surveillance missions, he trained troops capable of immediate deployment into areas of forward combat operation by military free-fall, static-line, all-terrain vehicles, overland, scuba, and other amphibious means.

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This Course Includes

24 hours on-demand video
Streaming from mobile and TV
Lifetime access
Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (0)
Caterory: Health & Fitness/Workouts
Videos: 11