
Backyard Lacrosse- Use these ELITE Drills and Ideas to Practice at Home

by Jamie Munro
Backyard Lacrosse- Use these ELITE Drills and Ideas to Practice at Home


This course was created in my Back Yard during quarantine. My family and I really wanted to get better at lacrosse (son who plays for Georgetown, a daughter who plays for ASU and another daughter who is a junior in high school), so we created this amazing curriculum with drills that are live and fully engaging. We had a wide variety of different drill opportunities, like 1v1s, 2v2s and others too. These drills and content are really fun and build on creating a "fluency" for the sport of Lacrosse. 

I am very interested in this concept of "Fluency" in sports.  Kroeten introduced me to this concept   Similar to second language acquisition where most of us studied a foreign language memorizing the rules, vocabulary, and grammar, but never achieving fluency, kids who practice in structure, dodging cones, and in environments devoid of decision making, will be limited in their fluency acquisition.  You see, fluency is about the "Input" which is the receiving and processing of information, not the output of executing. Think about your trip to Mexico, where you could order off the menu, but could not understand one word your server said to you!  

The literal element of Fluency is sports is the constant communication that is occurring.  Not just the verbal communication between teammates, but the non verbal communication players have with the opposition.  This is also known as deception!  If a player has "Fluency" he/she will essentially communicate with their opponent in order to manipulate them. 

This Course Includes

24 hours on-demand video
Streaming from mobile and TV
Lifetime access
Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (0)
Caterory: Lacrosse/Skill Development
Videos: 39