
The 400 Meters for Beginners

by Deino Scott
The 400 Meters for Beginners


The 400 Meters for Beginners provides an invaluable resource for coaches who want to enhance the performance level of their athletes who compete in the 400 meter event. This coaching course explains the benefits of running the event, and then outlines the key factors involved in training for the 400 meters. This sprinting course also includes several drills that coaches can use to develop their athletes in the 400 meters. Each drill is explained and demonstrated in an easy-to-apply manner.

 Among the topics covered:

  • 400-meter workouts
  • Basic warm-up
  • Baylor build-up warm-up
  • Slow-fo relay
  • Continuous 200s


The Coach


Deino Scott

Head Coach at Seattle Preparatory School


Deino Scott is the head track & field coach at Seattle Preparatory School, a position he has held since 2003. A 1978 graduate of the University of Washington, Scott is a veteran coach, who has also held positions at both Interlake High School and Bellevue High School. One of the most respected members of the track and field coaching community, Scott has seen dozens of his former athletes go on to participate in intercollegiate athletics. He has coached over a dozen athletes who have won state championships, including two who set state of Washington records in track & field. His 2002 girl’s team at Interlake H.S. won the state track & field championship.

Ratings and Reviews (1)


I really enjoyed the gradual training and the diversity that was illustrated. i gleaned several things to add to my athletes workouts this year.

Nov 21, 17 09:11 PM

This Course Includes

24 hours on-demand video
Streaming from mobile and TV
Lifetime access
Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (1)
Caterory: Track and Field/Sprinting
Bookings: 152
Videos: 8