
Mindful Chair Yoga

by WhiteCloudWellness
Mindful Chair Yoga


Reach a deep relaxation with this course by Corey Roos of White Cloud Wellness. 


The Coach

Hello, my name is Corey Roos. I am a certified and registered Yoga Teacher and I am currently training to become a clinical psychologist and researcher. I created White Cloud Wellness to make meditation and yoga more simple, accessible, and user-friendly so that busy people like you in the modern world can benefit from them.I get it. Yoga and meditation can seem WEIRD! You might be thinking...Are yoga and meditation for me? Yoga and meditation used to seem weird to me too. I was an athlete--I played basketball. At first I was hesitant about doing yoga. So I get it if you have thoughts such as...

  • Yoga is is only for women...NOT TRUE!
  • Yoga is only for rich people...NOT TRUE!
  • Yoga is only for flexible and athletic people...NOT TRUE!
  • Yoga is only for young people...NOT TRUE!
  • Yoga can only be practiced in a yoga studio...NOT TRUE!
  • Yoga has to be practiced on a yoga mat...NOT TRUE!
  • Yoga requires special clothes and special supplies...NOT TRUE!
  • Meditation has to be practiced cross-legged on the floor...NOT TRUE!
  • Meditation and yoga are religious...NOT TRUE! 
  • Meditation and yoga require a TON of extra time....NOT TRUE!
  • Meditation and yoga are only for hippies....NOT TRUE! 
In case you couldn't tell, all the above statements ARE NOT TRUE!!!Anyone can practice yoga and meditation!So why did I start practicing yoga and meditation? Well, I started practicing a mindfulness-based form of meditation and yoga when I was 16 to help me cope with chronic pain and anxiety. In high school, I was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and experienced debilitating pain for a number of years. This was especially hard for me because I was a basketball player and was hoping to play in college. Developing a regular practice of mindfulness meditation and yoga helped me develop greater awareness and acceptance of my pain and emotions. It helped me respond to stress and frustration in more effective ways. Overall, the practices of mindfulness meditation and mindful yoga have really helped me over the years and still do! As an aspiring psychologist and researcher, I am also well aware that mindfulness-based programs, which involve mindfulness meditation and mindful yoga,  have a LOT of research to support their effectiveness in reducing stress and improving mental and emotional well-being. If you don't believe me, check out the following website:www.mindfulexperience.org For a long time, I have been interested in finding ways to make meditation and yoga more simple and accessible for people like you! Then it came to me....WHITE CLOUD WELLNESS! 

Ratings and Reviews (3)

Jon Betts

Thank you

Oct 23, 20 08:43 PM

Rajendra Patil


Jan 15, 21 02:23 AM

Dheeraj Vyas


Jun 15, 21 05:24 AM

This Course Includes

24 hours on-demand video
Streaming from mobile and TV
Lifetime access
Certificate of completion
100% money back guarantee

Course Info

Rating: (3)
Caterory: Yoga/Fundamentals
Bookings: 174
Videos: 8