Why do you play? 

What are your strength/weakness as a player?

What improvements have you made lately?

Are you comfortable using both feet? What is your preferred foot?

What is your preferred position? 

Have you played in other positions? Are you open to playing other positions? 

Have you had any major inquires? Do you have any current injuries? 

What kind of coaching style do you like/dislike? 

Are you coachable? Provide an example....

How would you handle a tough decision/discussion? Provide an example...

When you play - is your inner voice positive or negative? 

What would be your expectations about playing time?  

How competitive are you? Why?

What drives your motivation? Interior or External? 

Are you punctual?

Do you eat healthy?

Do you make your bed every morning? Why might this be important?  

Are you working on your mental game? If so, how? 

Do you see yourself as a leader? Provide an example of how you have shown leadership recently? 

What are one or two traits from your parents that you most want to ensure you have for the rest of your life?

Do you want to be told: Good Job or There is another level

How important is the relationship with the coach?

What do you like most about your team right now?

What would a teammate of yours say if I called them tomorrow?

What are your interests outside of sports?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?  

WHY "School X" ?

What do you want to accomplish while playing university soccer?

What are you looking for in a school?

What do you know about our team? Myself? the school?

How important are academic grades to you?

Residence: Do you cook your own meals?

Where are you at in your recruiting process?

What other schools are recruiting you? Considering?

πŸ“ Coaches may even ask you about your likes/dislikes about other schools. Be up front, they're trying to figure out what you like about particular programs/cities/coaches/etc. and what you don't like so they can tailor their recruiting pitch to you. 

How are you planning on paying for schooling?

Would you commit to school without a scholarship?

What would it mean to you to represent our program?

What can you offer me that someone else cannot?

What has been your greatest accomplishment to date?

How important is gratitude to you?