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Texas Baseball Ranch


The Texas Baseball Ranchâ„¢ is the place an athlete can dream as big as his work ethic will allow! It is a place of great hope, high expectations and even greater passion, energy and encouragement. The Texas Baseball Ranchâ„¢ is a sanctuary from all the negativity, pessimism and bad coaching the real world dishes out.

Since 2003, 187 Ranch students have broken the 90mph barrier; 28 students have broken the 94mph barrier and 5 the 100mph barrier. Over 78 of our athletes have been drafted by MLB. (But who’s counting?) In fact at the Texas Baseball Ranch™, we count almost EVERYTHING. We lead the world in the objective measurement of baseball pitching training. Every single day we are transforming the lives of young men all around the world by refusing to place athletes in boxes, refusing to use and except traditional labels, refusing to strictly choreograph everybody’s movement or force athletes into one size fits all programs. The Texas Baseball Ranch™ is about the hyper-personalization of training protocols and the customization of personal training regimens.