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Daniel Spatz

Tennis Coach, founder of Spatz Tennis


Guillermo Vilas was my inspiration and of course the all-Argentine (and other countries) than those 70s wield a racquet for the first time and never again were able or wanted to leave. Guillermo met those three words I then took it as standard: Passion (Vilas showed real passion for tennis); Motivation (motivated to play tennis after watching him play) and intelligence (in addition to its known claw, Vilas was very smart to play tennis).

God grant that from this website can collaborate with colleagues in different aspects of teaching tennis; also my goal is to entertain who want to learn about different facets of our sport and provide information, tips, news, comments that are of real interest to tennis fans. From here I want to thank and mention the people who have helped and supported me unconditionally in my career as a professional tennis: My mother; Bettina my wife, my children, my sister Graciela, my friends and students who allowed me to share with them a very special place in my life ... .a tennis court.