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Bill Patton

Tennis Coach & Co-Founder of USATennisCoach, LLC


Bill is a Maverick Leader and has always colored outside the lines. He used to take his toys apart to see how they worked. He turned those experiences into a strength. Now he creates innovative templates so that others can build on success and make it their own. He is most proud of winning an NCS Championship, and becoming a published author for the first time. Once when trying to speak another language to a player he thought he was asking if she was embarrassed, but he used the word for pregnant. That got sorted out later.

Bill Patton is Tennis Professional and is currently coaching his 7th different high school with 28 years of experience in the field. He has coached at several schools with many great results. Mainly, the players had a great time maximizing their games, and playing on the teams. You can listen to Bill's Radio Blog at to hear from some great coaches and learn something new for no charge.

Bill and his business partner Styrling Strother have started USATennisCoach, LLC which trains, certifies, mentors, and collaborates with high school tennis coaches.

Bill is a USATennisCoach Mentor Coach, USPTA Elite Professional, PTR and MTM Professional.