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  • rajoshen
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Coach Enver

Your Technical Football Coach


UK Academy Pro Club Football/ Soccer Coach. 13+ Years Experience in Youth Development specialising in Technical Skills & Individual Development, Experience in Foundation & Youth Development Phases. Creating Original Training Content for Players & Coaches.
UEFA B Level 3 Licensed Football Coach by The English F.A. BSc (Hons) Degree in Sport & Exercises Science with Pro Coaching. Futsal Level 2, Coerver Youth Diploma 2, Real Madrid Foundation Coaching Certificate and Diploma in Football Fitness.

Being a Technical coach is all about the detail - Every contact of the ball - In all situations - Each movement - The analyse & breakdown of every picture - Creative awareness.
All can be taught and further reinforced even creativity and especially skill. Practice should be performed in as much variety as possible with much difficulty and intensity to challenge - This is the only way to build up the ammunition to produce flair in any moment.